Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome to the Age of Female Rage

This woman is so up herself it's amazing! I love the comments from readers. Sample of her whining:

"My generation of women aren't having it all - we're doing it all. It's a constant struggle to meet the demands of my various roles as wife, mother, daughter, colleague, lover, friend. I feel as if I short-change everyone all the time.
I never have a moment that's just mine. Someone always wants a piece of me. Yesterday, in the middle of a bikini wax, I had an urgent call from the office and had to orchestrate a crucial meeting on the other side of the world, biting my fists to stop yelping at the wrong moments."


Piss and moan
Piss and moan
Pretty soon...
You'll live alone.

Which is what you should have done in the first place, you whiny skank.

You'd have saved your whole family (certainly, including your husband) a lot of big headaches.


Haha! Now she understands how men have felt since the beginning of time.

etc. etc. etc.

Along with getting a call in the middle of the night for emergency at work. Getting up in the middle of the night to bring pregnant wife to hospital. Getting up in the middle of the night because teen son/daughter got into trouble. And then, still going to work in the morning and getting home after all that to hear the wife bitch and moan and kids screaming.

Women, you wanted to be in the men's world and be just like us...well, there you have it! Enjoy!

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