Friday, February 13, 2009

Think Tank Criticizes Child Support

Important mainstream attention to the injustices of child support recently appeared on the blog of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. CEI is a respected and influential free market think tank.

Hans Bader writes:
This financial havoc can’t be justified by claiming that divorced fathers had it coming: most divorces in this country are no-fault divorces initiated by wives, rather than husbands (wives initiate about two-thirds of all divorces, according to data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics, and the many studies reviewed by Sanford Braver of Arizona State University in his 1998 book Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths).
For background on the federal policies that result in this diabolical family destruction machine, see my scholarly article in the Independent Review, "From Welfare State to Police State." (There is also a shorter op-ed version.) Filed under: blogStephen Baskerville Ph.D. @ 8:47 am |

1 comment:

Rune said...

That’s nothing new. In fact – at least when it comes to East European sex slaves - women have always been the largest group of recruiters and often also the first link in the transportation. The reason for this is that the women are better at creating the needed trust to trick the unfortunate girls being traded. The young girls are more likely to take the world of a kind woman than a stranger man.

For instance, look here under "case stories": Collection: Human trafficking