Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feminism is much more dangerous than Hitler

In a model not unlike Hitler or fascism, feminists and attorneys established feminism as a master model of living, split the human race into two halves (women vs. men), and instigated a brutal civil war pitting common people against each other. The fact is that many millions of women, men, and children have suffered great pain, poverty, economic plunder, murder of each other, economic abuse, and imprisonment for merely being poor. The amount of child abuse and neglect occuring in America makes China look quite civilized in comparison.

Feminism is much more dangerous than Hitler because in fascist class warfare there are no tanks, an Auschwitz, or mass graves to point to. The results are visible everywhere: poverty, child abuse and neglect, overfilled prisons, gang violence, and men, women, and children murdering each other. Its on page one of your local newspaper every day, if you care to understand its significance.

Feminism has controlled America for over forty years. During this time period, every social indicator measuring the well-being of women and children has declined substantially. Marriage remains the most likely safe haven for living the American dream."

Anyone wondering why marriage is passé and illegitimacy is at record levels can find the answer in the recent case of the unmarried California mother with six test-tube children who just launched octuplets with the help of an unethical feminist fertility clinic.

Why would she do this? Because she gets about eight times more welfare than women who merely shake down the welfare system one kid at a time. The mother admitted she did it because she “got paid for it“. In addition to a load of welfare the mother is entitled to, the sperm donor will be facing a whacking child support order if his identity is known. This forgets to mention that she wants $2M from Oprah for an interview.

The final defeat of the ERA June 30,1982 did not mark an end to the pogrom of feminist activism. It just meant feminists had to change their game. Instead of demanding vague equal rights, they began hawking hyper-sexist victim-fear campaigns designed to achieve the same ends targeted in the ERA. The 2008 elections prove this chicanery has been horrendously successful.

Post-ERA Lesbians and gays magically became victims of their genetic proclivities and supposed oppressors. Feminists began to make allegations of sexual improprieties against anyone who disagreed with them — blackmailing politicians into granting feminists the very economic rights, civil unions, and same-sex marriages that brought the ERA down.

“Trapped” housewives fearfully excommunicated themselves from the safe-haven of marriage, convinced that husbands are unnecessary rapists or abusers. A woman’s right to be supported and cared for by her husband became an ongoing public entitlement burden to be supported by Congress and screaming taxpayers. The mutilated beggar children highlighted in Slumdog Millionaire have their American counterparts — leveraged away from one or both parents by feminist policy and then used to beg for more marriage-destructive entitlements.

Post-ERA feminist legal scams such as the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) were marched through Congress by feminist trial lawyers in 1996. The legal trade profits immensely by destroying the marriages and futures of America’s women. VAWA destroys marriage on allegation alone. This is why lawyers in Congress (on both sides of the aisle) automatically pass anything that A.B.A. feminists want.

Politics have changed in the post-ERA era. To restore America’s ethical, economic and social dynamism to a level worthy of world leadership, two things must be done:

First: Feminism has controlled America for over forty years. During this time period, every social indicator measuring the well-being of women and children has declined substantially. Marriage remains the most likely safe haven for living the American dream. We must constantly remind women of this truth.

Second: Conservatives must formulate and aggressively socialize attractive pro-family “Marriage Values” policies, get them passed in the states, and later in Congress.

The National Organization for Women has a freight train of radical legislation set for passage. With über-feminists Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and the National Organization of Women running the White House, Congress fearfully passing anything feminists want, and 2010 another impending Waterloo, the RNC must make “Marriage Values” its top priority yesterday.

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