Friday, May 15, 2009

Stop the Monologues Project

CHICAGO, IL – Americans For Truth today launched its “Stop the Monologues Project,” to expose Eve Ensler’s radical feminist play, “The Vagina Monologues” (TVM) — which includes a chapter in which Ensler, a reported bisexual, asks a six-year-old girl several questions about the girl’s vagina.

A host of celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey and Faith Hill, are joining Ensler in celebrating the tenth anniversary of her play this weekend in New Orleans.

On pages 103-104 of the 10th-anniversary edition of The Vagina Monologues, in a chapter titled, “I Asked a Six-Year-Old Girl,” Ensler asks the following questions based on an interview with an unnamed girl (only the answer to the last question is provided below):

  • If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?”
  • If it could speak, what would it say?”
  • What does your vagina remind you of?”
  • What’s special about your vagina?”
  • What does your vagina smell like?”
  • [answer:] “Snowflakes.”

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth and father of five children, said it is astonishing that Ensler and her vulgar play are being celebrated given TVM’s past and current promotion of adult predatory behavior against minors:

“Imagine if an adult homosexual man were to quiz a six-year-old boy about his penis — or a straight man were to ask a little girl silly questions about her private parts – for use in a play! Would such men be praised by the media and famous personalities?”

Stop the Monologues Project Director Donna Miller, the mother of a teenage girl, said,

“I find it horrifying that an author would sexualize a six-year-old girl –– particularly when that same author has a record of writing favorably about adult/child sex, at least for lesbians.”

Miller noted the hypocrisy of a movement whose stated goal is to “stop the violence against women and girls,” while it celebrates a lesbian rape-seduction, underage drinking, and a bisexual adult asking highly inappropriate sexual questions to a six-year-old.

The Vagina Monologues book, on pages 80-82, tells of a lesbian rape-seduction in a story titled, “The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could.” In the monologue, a 24-year-old woman plies a 16-year-old girl with alcohol before seducing her (statutory rape in many states).

The original ‘Monologues’ play included the same segment except the victimized girl was just 13.

Americans For Truth
April 12, 2008

Threesome Marriage

See article


First came traditional marriage. Then, gay marriage. Now, there's a movement combining both—simultaneously. Abby Ellin visits the next frontier of nuptials: the "triad."

Less than 18 months ago, Sasha Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin gathered before their friends near their home in Maui, and proclaimed their love for one another. Nothing unusual about that—Sasha, 68, and Janet, 55—were legally married in 2000. Rather, this public commitment ceremony was designed to also bind them to Shivaya, their new 60-something "husband." Says Sasha: “I want to walk down the street hand in hand in hand in hand and live together openly and proclaim our relationship. But also to have all those survivor and visitation rights and tax breaks and everything like that.”

Slutty Feminism

Unlike most of my female college classmates, I was never a fan of the show "Sex and the City." My roommates would rent the videos and buy cheap champagne and watch them.

I watched the show with them one night. After barely stomaching two episodes, I declared the show would be better titled "Sluts and the City," then went to bed.

I wish other students had followed my lead. Instead, they chose to usher in a new wave of feminism: Slut feminism, where the new test of gender equality is how openly promiscuous a woman can be without judgment or penalty. Wouldn't the suffragettes be proud to see how far we have come?

Across the nation, other female students were falling in love with the "slut feminism" Carrie Bradshaw and her sex-obsessed cronies in "Sex and the City" epitomized. Student newspapers started running sex columns, featuring college women publicizing their sexual exploits just as the Carrie character publicized hers. USA Today reported, "From 'Between the Sheets' at Tufts University near Boston to 'Sex at the Beach' at California State University in Long Beach... college students talk about, dispensing tips and offering advice on sex, dating, sex, love, sex, relationships, sex and sex."

After some research, I found the topics a little more limited. Mostly written by women, the recurring themes seem to be the female anatomy, female orgasms, masturbation and oral sex, which, thanks to Bill Clinton, isn't considered sex, according to most of these students.

From Cornell University's "Cornellingus," to Princeton's "Vulvagraphy" and Yale's "Sex and the Elm City," it seems the Ivy League isn't immune to this trend. The so-called "best and the brightest" are becoming the best and the brightest of the porn industry. How proud their parents will be when they start their careers writing for Playboy.

You can't even judge them. In their world of moral relativism, no one has the right to judge others. In Columbia University's sex column, "Sexplorations," Miriam Datskosky explains why the all-too-common "walk of shame" shouldn't be shameful at all. She argues that, men and women should be able to go out and have sex whenever and with whoever they like, and when walking home the next morning -- wearing the same clothes from the night before, their make-up smeared and their hair a mess -- they shouldn't be judged: "It is not up to a random stranger to make you feel ashamed." Moral relativism and the sexual revolution had a baby, and boy is it ugly.

She says: "Every single one of us has the right to choose. That right deserves respect." Respecting someone's right to choose to be promiscuous and respecting their actual choice to do so are two different things. I'm not advocating outlawing promiscuity, but I do support holding people morally responsible for their choices.

There's not much parents can do. Most student newspapers are independently run. And, any attempt to have these columns removed would certainly stir accusations of censorship by students so indoctrinated they don't understand obscenity is not protected by the Constitution.

Students, on the other hand, have some options. With the help of organizations like the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, they can bring conservative women leaders, such as Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Phyllis Schlafly, to their schools to challenge this type of thinking.

For now, unfortunately, it seems women lead slut feminism, considering they are the only authors of these columns.

But this shouldn't come as a surprise when you have a play like "The Vagina Monologues" performed on almost 600 college campuses. The play's main message is that women are nothing more than their sexual anatomy. Many of their parents, having come of age in the 1960s, might be thrilled with what the seeds of their "sexual revolution" have finally developed.

Sexual freedom has turned into sexual obsession. Perversion and promiscuity are applauded, morality and chastity condemned. Female college students of the slut feminism camp are finally equal to the men. It's a shame, though, that they view equality as an equal number of notches on their belts.


A program officer at the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute in Herndon, Va

Monday, May 11, 2009

University right to cancel Women Studies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rather than home economics, in the minds of most people I know women's studies means militant, obnoxious feminism that is filled with man-hate and rubbish/rot academic courses preached to the closed ranks of a male-bashing all-female choir.

Unfortunately, what started as a good idea with noble aims was politicized by radical elements to become a female version of a good-old-boys club.
In short, women's studies programs in most U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities have become radicalized, exclusionary, impractical, and dangerously self-isolated. That is a recipe for demise. Women's studies does NOT allow us to evaluate the world through women's experience because it does not reflect the attitudes, beliefs and lives of a great majority of women in this world.'

Thursday, April 30, 2009

He's Dead, She Walks - DV's Double Standard‏

Action alert here.


'This past week in Canada a young man, Adam Cunningham, lost his life as a result of domestic violence apparently perpetrated by his wife. At the time of the initial incident she was charged with assault. Now that Adam is dead the Crown prosecutor declines to charge her further with manslaughter or homicide, and has told the family the assualt charges may be dropped as well, since the victim - who was also the only witness - has died.

Note in the obituary the comment that the wife will miss him. We can only imagine what that might mean.'

Monday, April 27, 2009

Being Gay is a sexual disorder

There is no finer metaphor for “pretzel logic” than the issue of “gay rights”. The contemporary addiction to “gay” liberation is no less dangerous or mind-altering than being addicted to heroin.

Being gay is a sexual disorder the American Psychological Association does not recognize because it drove out Division leaders and members who recognized sexual addiction for what it is. Gay men have eight times more sexual partners than heterosexual men do, and are the prevalent reason why 3% of individuals living in Washington D.C. are infected with H.I.V – on par with AIDS crisis countries such as Kenya — and three times the threshold for declaration of an epidemic (and emergency containment policy) by the C.D.C.

In spite of the fact there is very little empirical research to see if homosexuality might be a sexual disorder, and despite convincing sexual behavior statistical community evidence that homosexuality is probably a sexual disorder (and definitely a significant public health risk), the APA pretends it is not a disorder. Welcome back to the Dark Ages of societal decline caused by politically-correct Frankfurt school knowledge censors.

Speaking frankly, I know what goes on in the gay community having been invited to a few gay parties. The real party is in the bathroom. The parade goes both ways all night with any number of people in there at one time. It’s a crack house for sex addicts.

I once got a contract doing a large stage show in Reno, Nevada because the existing show had to close. Its cast consisted of gay men, who gave each other AIDS and were too sick to work.

I know another young man in his late 20’s who was preened into the gay lifestyle by activists in high school. Many high school boys don’t know what to do with girls, and find the safety of the “gay equivalent of the Boy Scouts” an attractive proposition. He is now dying of AIDS – unable to afford treatment — and about to file for bankruptcy due to past-due medical expenses.

We know that crack, heroine, and other mood-altering addictive substances are dangerous to individuals and inflict great costs and health risks on larger society. We do not think twice about dealing with drug and alcohol addiction at face value. That is why “crack studies” and “smoker’s rights” are not taught in schools. Accordingly, drugs are illegal. We tax the daylights out of tobacco, and some cities have even made smoking illegal in many locations.

If “drug rights” promoters filed lawsuits asking the courts to mandate the establishment of “Friends of Drug Lovers” support groups in the public schools, they would be laughed out of town.

No matter how one cuts it, schools and universities promoting queerness as an attractive lifestyle may one day find themselves being sued by those who become ill after being conscripted into this dangerous lifestyle.

The shrill defiance of same-sex rights activists has gone too far. Same-sex marriage is now out of the question. As an “economic right” advocates now demand, same-sex marriage would not build chastity into open marriages.

Same-sex marriage is a viciously sexist proposition: the stated intent of feminist strategists is to secure the right for any two women to marry each other, turning marriage into a feminist political institution having chattel control of family, children, and the levers of political power. We are not far from this day. Upon creation of Obama’s White House Council on Women and Girls, N.O.W’s president (and Alpha-lesbian) Kim Gandy proudly proclaimed “We Got the Entire Cabinet”. Obama is set to inject gay lifestyle into the military, and sign a non-binding U.N. gay rights treaty that G.W. Bush refused to sign. N.O.W. does not give a damn about gay men – many of whom will die supporting N.O.W.’s feminist-supremacist agenda.

The men’s movement is presently bifurcated on gay rights. Very strong disagreement exists behind the scenes among leaders of the men’s movement.

Most colleges and universities actively sponsor “Men’s Rights” as a subset of women’s studies programs – limited to gay rights activism. A good chunk of the larger men’s rights movement has been thus compromised – men’s rights activists are often brainwashed pro-gay college graduates or have been browbeaten along with the rest of the quaking masses into believing that opposing this aspect of the feminist agenda is somehow bigoted.

This problem is dividing and conquering this movement right at the starting gate. There is a strange belief held by left-leaning men’s rights activists, who believe that supporting this aspect of the feminist agenda will somehow translate into Democrat support for other men’s rights agenda such as VAWA and parental rights reforms. This is rather like asking Hitler to make full citizens of Jews who supported the Third Reich.

Men’s rights activists should not be fooled by this aspect of the feminist agenda. Feminists still utilize the thinking of Margaret Sanger, but directed towards men as the class of defective individuals for termination. Feminists are not stupid enough to directly call for the termination of men. We should not be so stupid as to fall for the baited feminist trap set to entice men into terminating themselves.

Supporting the feminist same-sex rights movement will continue to divide and conquer the larger men’s movement and lead it right into a feminist swamp of self-imposed inequality. Frankly speaking, men cannot secure equal marital and parental rights supporting an agenda expressly designed destroy or subvert those rights – an agenda feminists know will kill many men — leaving feminists owning the institutions of marriage and family.

That sexual preference or liberated randiness might have genetic roots is an immaterial claim. We do not promote other animalian behaviors (such as murder or rape) to protected status for good reason.

Restoring strong social rules leading to stable society is now necessary to lift America out of the socioeconomic collapse it is now suffering — a collapse palpably driven by feminist destruction of marriage and taxation of responsible individuals to the point of offshoring business, banking, and even themselves.

Indeed, work is uniformly offshored to countries with strong marriage values because they have low tax rates. Tax havens are uniformly feminist countries, such as Sweden, which are now being prised open by other feminist countries seeking cash to support the problems caused by their own feminist states. World feminism has run out of sources of cash. A return to politics based on sane marriage and social policy is inevitable at some point in the future.

I submit this to the larger men’s movement: We must oppose all feminist agenda that destroys men’s natural rights to life, marriage, and parenting — even where such opposition might be unsettling or misunderstood by gay-feminist men. We must present a united front in all regards to prevent the co-option of our movement by feminists.

We have an AIDS epidemic in America caused by feminist-gay activists practicing and proselytizing their sexual addiction. The epidemic is spreading into the heterosexual community at an alarming pace, perhaps enhanced by swinging lesbians.

The sexual liberation movement now controls the White House. We can expect a downpour of mandates coming from Washington in the coming years. States must act to protect themselves.

Matters of public health and states’ interest are paramount. States should enact health laws making homosexuality a civil offense and sending those who insist on practicing it into sexual addiction recovery programs until they get well.

The alternative is to end up with yet another victim group needing ongoing federal and state bailouts this country cannot afford, and a weak men’s movement unable to develop the winning pro-marriage, women friendly political agenda that neither party has yet been able to discover.

David R. Usher is President of the ACFC Missouri Coalition

Excellent comments follow:

Homosexuality is deviant sex, pure and simple. Without proper non biased study the truth about homosexuals and their effects on society will have to be tolerantly hidden away so as not to offend.

If I am a bigot for my position on homosexuals i must also be a bigot against all sexual deviants, rapists and child pornographers.

As a straight male hairdresser in a predominantly gay environment, I have a great affection for many of the faygeleh I work with however, i would never and i mean never leave any of them alone with a child, period. They are just to strongly motivated towards sexual deviancy.

Homosexuality is WRONG if you apply logic to all situations you will find out what in life is right and wrong if all of society was all good then human race can go on if society was bad then the human will die out so good is right bad is wrong

the same can be applied to gay and straight if all society was gay then the human race is doomed so it must be wrong

t's absolutely true that homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end. In many cases I think homosexuality is a symptomatic outcome of some trauma or event in someone's life. It could also be a program of behavior that is genetically coded, or it could be congenital, or both.. (As I understand it, incidence of homosexuality increases with stress. And since individual stress is associated with the increasing challenges of urbanization, homosexuality has increased as an overall percentage of the population.)

Whatever the explanation, I think homosexuality is nature's way of taking the person out of the gene/meme pool because something is indeed wrong.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Abortion; Legal if women want it = Illegal if men want it.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Jail for man who slipped abortion drugs into wife’s sandwiches in bid to kill his unborn baby

Found via AntiMisandry.

In summary, the woman was 11 weeks pregnant. He didn’t want it, he tried to get it aborted with pills he was feeding her. She did want it.

A husband hid abortion pills in a sandwich and gave it to his wife in a desperate bid to kill their unborn child, a court heard yesterday.

Yesterday, the businessman was jailed for three years and nine months at the Old Bailey after admitting the rare offence of administering a poison with intent to cause miscarriage.

Isn’t that what happens when women willingly take pills to induce a chemical abortion?

“He tried to terminate our baby, end his child’s life before it had even begun and that’s the cruellest thing imaginable.

Yesterday, the businessman was jailed for three years and nine months at the Old Bailey after admitting the rare offence of administering a poison with intent to cause miscarriage.

I’m not a fan of abortion myself, so her having a baby is obviously good.But my opinion is irrelevant. The question I have regards the application of the law.

He was jailed for poisoning with the intent to cause miscarriage. Now, if the roles were reversed and he did want the baby, and she didn’t, as we all know not only is it legal, she could get the taxpayer to pay for it.

Now the usual justification is that ‘it’s the woman’s body, it’s her Right To Choose and only hers.’ That would mean the man has no say and no rights to the child (this means the responsibility of the child rests totally with the woman). This is saying that women are the gatekeepers to family.

But that man contributed half of the child’s DNA, right? Not only that, but if she does decide she wants it, he is then liable to help bring the child up, or pay substantial amounts of money to the woman. So now he was responsibilities to the child. Whether he wanted to or not. He has no choice.

Remember, this isn’t about individuals, this is about the law. The law essentially states that women have the Right To Choose, whereas men only have the Right To Pay.

I’m open to hearing any other justifications for this strange interpretation of ‘equality’.

Feminism: The State Ideology whereby women have rights, men have responsibilities, and children have their lives ruined - Peter Zohrab

International Woman’s Propaganda Day

See article here


Amazing. A day where women all over the world try and do their best to make men feel guilty for existing. It is also a day where feminists recycle the same old crap about women being paid less, domestic violence, rape, how great abortion is, women’s health problems, equal opportunities and other statistics regarding how hard women have it in our society.

As usual, the feminists wrap their lies up in emotions and ally themselves to proper causes like oppression under Islamic regimes, dictatorships, attacks on free speech and the like in order to try and give their lies more credibility by association.

It’s a bad thing in my opinion, this International Woman’s Day. Why? Because it is a day with no relative day for men, and puts forth the idea that women’s issues deserve an international day, whereas men’s issues do not (that is, women are more important than men).

It also serves to perpetuate this myth in the West of women being oppressed. Women in the West have never had it so good. Indeed, they seem to be having it a lot better than men, especially in the eyes of the law and media.

This Day tends to cater to women’s desires for attention and power. Both which are provided by considering themselves perpetual victims of society and ergo, entitled to use and abuse all and sundry as they see fit, which would explain so many false rape claims, physical abuses of men and other crimes against men and each other, for instance.

Women do receive lower custodial sentences than men for the same crimes, and granted perpetual legal protection in the event of a rape claim, regardless of whether she is lying or not and what effect her lies have on a man’s life.

Doesn’t sound like the ‘equality’ feminists speak of at all, but considering feminism is just a thinly veiled regurgitation of communism anyway, it shouldn’t be surprising.

So, when you are being swamped with bad statistics, the colour pink and women talking about how evil men are, think of all the men working hard in jobs women don’t want to do, children suffering at their hands, committing suicide, being silenced when they voice their concerns (shut up and take it like a man), and other injustices against just under half of the population.

I mean, it’s what fair and equal treatment is all about.

Betrayed by a Restraining Order

Voices from the Grave, Betrayed by a Restraining Order

Article here. Excerpt:

'Debi Olson had three restraining orders taken out against her. But that didn’t stop the woman from ambushing ex-husband Mauricio Droguett in an Iowa shopping mall last July, fatally stabbing him in front of shocked mall-goers.

Toni Brown of Washington, DC was shot by former girlfriend Raina Johnson on August 12, 2008, leaving the woman paralyzed from her neck down. Johnson is currently serving a 28-year sentence for a crime the judge termed “extraordinarily brutal.” A restraining order had been previously issued against the assailant.

Karen Allende of New York City was walking to work on a September day in 2006 when she was attacked suddenly by her husband. She died that morning on the sidewalk, a restraining order folded neatly in her purse.
Judge Milton Raphaelson of Massachusetts once opined, “Few lives, if any, have been saved, but much harm, and possibly loss of lives, has come from the issuance of restraining orders and the arrests and conflicts ensuring therefrom.”

Each year, the Violence Against Women Act spends up to $75 million to promote restraining orders. That’s the kind of wasteful federal program that leaves a bad taste in taxpayers’ mouths.'

Feminists demand equality, but women and children come first

Article here. Excerpt:

'If there is a coherent moral order to the present thoughts of the National Women's Council, it is that words no longer mean what they used to. In the Council's prospectus for the year 2009, the word "equality" is used 38 times. Yet clearly, in the sisters' deviant vocabulary, "equality" does not mean equality of pain, or hardship or suffering or poverty. No: it means the opposite of equality. It means a protection from these conditions, regardless of what men are enduring. In other words, lifeboat-feminism, surely the most ignoble and unprincipled of all the many liberal political creeds which dominate our ethos today.'

Thursday, April 2, 2009

GoGirl - So girls can ... go

GoGirl Pee FunnelWhat is this obsession with women being able to pee standing up? Other than the ability to write my name in the snow, I have not really felt like I'm missing out on anything. I have yet to catch any communicable diseases from a toilet seat. And I do actually sit on the toilet seat. There, I said it.

If you're a hoverer, by the way, check out this story on ABC News and sit your bum down, please. The messes you people leave should be classified as terrorism.

Onto the product: This is the GoGirl. It's a somewhat updated version of the "pee funnel" we showed you back in 2004. For example, rather than "pee funnel," they call this a "female urination device" (or an FUD).

The GoGirl is disposable, and comes with tissue and a biodegradable baggie all in the neat little cylinder that fits in your purse or pocket. You can buy one here for $4.99 (you can also buy a t-shirt, cap, or shorts, in case you want the world to know you like to pee standing up).

GoGirl recommends their product for SkiGirl, OutdoorsyGirl, GlobalGirl, MommyGirl, CityGirl, and RoadGirl for varying reasons, but however many of those I may be? I don't want one.

Largely because it would require me to essentially piddle into my hand. Ew. Warm. Ew.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Woman, 37, beats 69-year-old man over alleged affair

UMATILLA - A 37-year-old Umatilla woman accused of punching her 69-year-old live-in boyfriend in the head while he was taking a shower was charged with battery on a person over 65, according to a Marion County Sheriff’s Office report.

Sandy Jo Tracy

The woman, Sandy Jo Tracy, claimed he had been cheating on her.

The victim, William Webb, told Deputy Danny Garrels Jr. that on Monday around 8:30 p.m. he was taking a shower at their Umatilla home when Tracy ripped the shower curtain off the rod and began screaming at him, accusing him of having an affair with another woman.

Webb told the deputy she kept hitting him in the head with her fist. The man said he tried deflecting the blows with his left arm. He also said Tracy continued to hit him while he was getting dressed.

He managed to escape the home. But Webb said he did not report the abuse until Tuesday because his girlfriend refused to let him retrieve his clothing and was verbally abusive.

The deputy took a picture of Webb's left arm, which had a large bruise reportedly consistent with his statement.

The deputy went to the home and talked with Tracy, who told him she did hit Webb because she was angry after she discovered he had an affair. On her way to the jail, Tracy reportedly told Garrels she should've hit Webb harder and was going to get even with him for cheating and having her arrested.

- Austin L. Miller

Friday, March 27, 2009

NBC’s Placenta Place

The Definition of Manhood

Mention the word feminine; most people understand it instantly. Jessica Alba, Beyoncé, and Scarlett Johansson come to mind. Now, try masculine. Puzzled? Stymied? That’s because the definition of manhood is in constant flux and dilution, as men have allowed misandrists — male and female — to marginalize them. There’s no better example of a male misandrist than VP-elect Joe Biden, worshipper of women and trasher of men, who constantly brags about his unconstitutional, pernicious weapon of male destruction: VAWA.

Being manly is out in America. Instead, we have the metrosexual, the straight man who preens in the bathroom as much or more than his woman. Don’t forget the former hit TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, produced by NBC Universal’s Bravo network, to have gay men teach clueless straight men about style and manner. The trendline is clear: men have been becoming, and are socially rewarded for becoming, more feminine. What’s going on?

This sinking manhood in America is confusing today’s boys about masculinity. As I stated previously, this is happening because men are allowing it to happen. Like the automakers in Detroit, American men are in denial, doing nothing, while they’re being phased out. Never forget that 85% of legislators are male — those anti-male laws are coming from somewhere, and male voters are putting and keeping these misandrist legislators in power!

Divorce, out-of-wedlock births, the preponderance of female teachers, negative images of fathers in sitcoms and commercials, and a legal system that allows, in fact encourages, women to commit maternity faud, paternity fraud, rape fraud, and domestic-violence fraud make growing up and living as a male a truly vexing experience. And, if men think someone will “save” them, they should be ashamed. Grow a pair.

Many women, however, don’t care — or deny their lack of concern — about the fate of their sons. Let me give you two examples. On December 28, 2007, I debated attorney Jennifer Brandt on Your World with Neil Cavuto about the lunacy of marketing “Hello Kitty” products to boys. Then, on February 28, 2008, I debated attorney Mercedes Colwin on Fox & Friends about the feminization of boys in school. Their rebuttals are perfect depictions of mothers who want to keep their sons umbilically attached and nourished with placenta, to prevent them from becoming real men.

Barack Obama’s Lesson to Men

Why should anyone care? Feminized boys are incapable of providing balance to society, and if there’s anything the USA lacks, it’s balance. So, what example could “umbilical boys” follow to grow up, to become men? How about president-elect Barack Obama, putative man-in-chief? Hardly. On November 16, 2008, Mr. Obama and wife Michelle spoke with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. Here are two snippets from that interview that will underscore my point:

Steve Kroft: How long do you give her (Michelle), knocking around that big house (the White House), before she starts to want to put an imprint on the job of being first lady?

Barack Obama: I think Michelle is going to design her own role. I think she’s gonna set her own path. But, here’s one thing I know about Michelle: She’s serious when she talks about being a mom. That’s why our girls are so wonderful. I’d love to take credit for it, but (pointing to Michelle) this is the one who deserves most of the credit.

Unbelievable. There’s no way the Obama daughters could have turned out so well without the influence and guidance of both parents. Yet, Barack Obama took no credit for their upbringing, which he rightfully deserves. Worse, Michelle just sat there, silent, and gave him no credit. What message does this send to Americans about the role of males and fathers in our society? Try deference, irrelevance, and impotence.

In snippet #2, Mr. Kroft asked Barack Obama whether his mother-in-law would be moving into the White House:

Steve Kroft: There’s been a lot of talk about … you, you talked about your mother-in-law. Is she moving in with you?

Barack Obama: Well, I don’t tell my mother-in-law what to do. (Michelle laughs). But, I’m not stupid — that’s why I got elected president, man (Barack and Michelle laugh). But, she sure can if she wants.

On the surface, this seems an innocuous, lighthearted exchange, but it makes the same point as above: men are required and expected to defer to women. And that’s that. It’s what “smart” men do, right? It’s how wimps get laid and get elected. It’s what boys are taught, what they do, and, as a result, why we live in a gynocracy. That’s Barack Obama’s lesson to men.

Mother’s Wishes and Son’s Desires

Dissatisfied with the demise of Queer Eye, NBC is taking another stab at clueless men. In concert with Ryan Seacrest, the Peacock Network is airing a so-called dating series that is, in the Obama era, a sad exposition of American “manhood.” Called Momma’s Boys, which I would rename Placenta Place, this ridiculous show claims it will uncover the conflicts between a mother’s wishes and a son’s desires, and reveal the truth about who plays a more crucial role in a young man’s life — his mother or his significant other. Note: a real man doesn’t have this dilemma.

Last night, NBC aired this program for two hours, opposite Monday Night Football. Fortunately, I live on the West Coast and could see the Bears beat the Packers in OT by a field goal — before forcing myself (for this article) to watch Momma’s Boys. I could bear only 45 minutes of it, and I thought repeatedly of poking out my own eyes throughout that time.

Thirty-two 20-something women (girls, really) packed into a mansion in Santa Barbara, vying for three umbilical boys and the approval of their mommies. Each week, rejected girls will leave Placenta Place until the three umbilical boys end up with the matches their mommies bless. As the author of Under the Clitoral Hood, I’m trying to imagine a woman feeling orgasmic about a man whose mother chose her to lie in bed with him. Is this dysfunctional or what?

The juxtaposition of NBC’s pathetic umbilical spectacle with football was amazing. The show’s only redeeming value is visual proof, in living color, that men have allowed themselves to sink to a new low. I found it nauseating to watch mothers lecturing their sons about the suitability of women — and coddling them for making the “right” choices. OK, no more details about the show. You get it. Enough.

To deny that America is populated with umbilical boys — deferential men forever tethered to their mommies — is to be hugely mistaken. Otherwise, NBC and Seacrest could not air this national embarrassment, in prime time, find contestants — eunuchs, mothers of eunuchs, and females in search of eunuchs — and do so profitably.

As women hungry for real men will attest, Momma’s Boys is, sadly, a true reflection of manhood in America. Just ask them. And, here’s a scary thought: those umbilical boys eventually will become fathers. How will their sons and daughters turn out? Badly.

The NoNonsense Bottom Line

Earlier, I compared men to the waning Detroit automakers; that comparison is apt. The Big-Three have chosen to become irrelevant and now want Americans to “save” them. Right.

Men have within their own hands the power to create whatever world they wish to inhabit, the power to be as relevant or irrelevant as they choose. Their world has become a gynocracy because they chose to let that happen.

NBC’s “Placenta Place” is a mirror of the American gynocracy; Ryan Seacrest and the Peacock Network are making money by mocking mockable men, women, and mothers. If you are aghast at what this mirror reflects, what will you do about it?

Mothers choose to keep their sons umbilically attached; their sons choose to comply. Women choose to date and marry “men” forever tethered to their mommies. Men choose to elect gynocrats who destroy their rights. Apparently, people are happy with their reflections in NBC’s societal mirror — that’s why it’s on TV!

In no place does the US Constitution state that women are entitled to extra or superior rights. Yet, in virtually all aspects of life — home, office, bars, legislatures, and courts — men have allowed women to be superior. Why? Simple: fear of not getting laid and not getting the approval of their mommies. Such is life in Placenta Place. Love it or leave it.

About the Author

Marc H. Rudov is a globally known radio/TV personality, relationship coach, and author of 100+ articles and the books Under the Clitoral Hood: How to Crank Her Engine Without Cash, Booze, or Jumper Cables (ISBN 9780974501727) and The Man’s No-Nonsense Guide to Women: How to Succeed in Romance on Planet Earth (ISBN 0974501719). Mr. Rudov, the 2008 recipient of the National Coalition of Free Men’s “Award for Excellence in Promoting Gender Fairness In The Media,” is a frequent guest on Fox News Channel’s Your World with Neil Cavuto and The O’Reilly Factor.

Rudov’s books, articles, blog, radio/TV archives, and podcasts are available at

Copyright © 2009 by Marc H. Rudov. All rights reserved.

Wailing Women of NOW Descend on the Emerald City of O

The scene is reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz scene when hordes of winged monkeys are poised on the castle parapet, ready to snatch up Dorothy and her three affable sidekicks. But this time it’s not a harmless fairytale, it’s a cabal of feminists determined to turn our society into a socialist paradise.

These women dismiss any criticism with a “to the victors go the spoils” shrug. But the fact is, men played a major role in handing Barack Obama his White House victory.

During the Democratic primaries, Barack beat Hillary in large part due to support from the male electorate: . And on November 4 the guys delivered again, with more men pulling the lever in favor of Mr. Obama than for John McCain.

And even with a weak economy ballooning his sails and a Republican opponent staging a lackluster campaign, the charismatic Democrat managed to garner only 53% of the popular vote.

Soon after the election the National Organization for Women issued its Action Agenda for 2009 and Beyond: .

This mind-boggling 10-page manifesto calls on Obama to mandate 50% female cabinet appointees, install NOW lackeys throughout the federal bureaucracy, enforce Title IX, impose “comparative worth” on the workplace, and more.

In the abortion arena, the NOW-nags call on Obama to repeal all federal limits to abortion on demand, force doctors to perform abortions against their will, allow teenage girls to get contraception without a doctor’s prescription, and of course install activist judges to advance their culture-of-death jihad.

A socialist society requires a revamp of the traditional family, as well. So the NOW wants to stop marriage programs, oppose any constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, and appropriate $10 billion a year for daycare programs. And don’t forget to fully fund the Violence Against Women Act – VAWA might come in handy if you ever need to send dad packing on bogus abuse charges.

Last but not least, the feminists are demanding that we enact the International Violence Against Women Act, ratify the UN Treaty on Women (CEDAW), and spend $1 billion to subsidize global “family planning.”

How’s that for an in-your-face agenda?

Forgiveness does not come easily to the Maidens of Mendacity. Columnist Katha Pollitt recently combed through the laundry list of long-remembered slights. Once Obama informed his daughters he wasn’t going to buy them a “girly-dog” – yikes! There was the Barbara Walters interview when Barack had the audacity to interrupt Michelle. And here’s the crusher: “No one has forgotten that Barack called a reporter ‘sweetie’ months ago,” Pollitt wailed.

Yes, they were delighted when Hillary (“Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior”) was selected as Secretary of State. But when news got out that only one-quarter of Obama’s cabinet picks were female (including the eminently qualified Hilda Solis at Labor), the fems lapsed into a purple-faced funk.

Amy Siskind, founder of the New Agenda was disconsolate, admitting, “We had high hopes for president-elect Obama going into this, and it’s been very discouraging.” And NOW president Kim Gandy put on her best pouty-face: “we still are such a small minority in the top boardrooms of the country starting with the Cabinet.”

But the pain of so few female cabinet members was mollified by the hope of establishing a Cabinet-level advisor on women’s issues, maybe even a presidential


But when word leaked out that Obama’s Council on Women and Girls had no full-time staff, the girls pulled out the long knives. Calling the group a Clinton-era “retread,” Martha Burk charged, “I think it falls fall short of what’s needed.” (Burk, you recall, was the woman who cried wolf because the Augusta National Golf Club did not admit females.)

And what will be the number one priority of the fledgling Council? According to California First Lady Maria Shriver, the group needs to launch a major inquiry into the stresses facing American women.

News flash! American women are feeling stressed these days, and we need a White House panel to look into that!

Fanciful childhood memories might tempt us to compare the Lefty Ladies to the Wicked Witch of the West. But that allegory is too facile. No, a better comparison is the Wizard himself, the aging blowhard behind the green velvet curtain, bellowing his assorted demands to the unwary and confused.

So next time you talk to a feminist, do a Toto imitation. Tug back the drapes and see who’s running the show. You’ll discover a con-artist who adeptly twists the facts and strong-arms her opponents into submission.

So hold on tight to those ruby slippers. It’s time to break out the brain for Scarecrow, the heart for Tin Man, and most of all, a big dollop of courage for Cowardly Lion.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just because you have a uterus...

Doesn't mean you have right to have children. Women should have to be screened and qualify to have children.

There are just too many women killing children, burning them, torturing them and drowning them.
And then, they claim to victim of some fabrication! Disgusting that society lets women do that.

This has to stop at ANY cost.

Woman charged with letting 12-year-old drive

Police say a woman let her 12-year-old daughter drive from the Sun Prairie area into Great Falls to drop off three younger siblings at day care.

Angela Parenteau, 32, is accused of having the girl take her siblings, ages 1, 2 and 4, into town earlier today. The drive is about five miles each way.

Police were alerted by day care employees, who saw the young girl drive up.

Parenteau told police she didn't want to take the kids herself because she was sick and on medication, Great Falls Police Sgt. Jeff Newton said. She did drive in to talk to police after the complaint was made, Newton said.

Parenteau was cited with four counts of endangering the welfare of children and one count of allowing an unauthorized minor to operate a motor vehicle, all misedemeanors.

Family services officials with the state were notified, Newton said.

What is wrong with some of the parents around here? We've had little girls out wandering in the cold, babies beaten until they are blind with permanent brain damage and now a 12 year old driving her siblings to day care? It's nuts. Parents are supposed to keep their children from dangerous situations, not put them in one. Something is seriously wrong with this woman and the rest of the recent news makers. I don't understand what is going on around here.

There was no father around to do his job. By definition women are then VICTIMS!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Woman Ran Over Boyfriend On I-4 After Fight

More crazy women....

A woman was so angry with her boyfriend Thursday morning that she chased him with her van as he ran from her, then drove through a fence and hit him near Interstate 4, police said.

Leoninas Williams, 37, flew through the vehicle's windshield, but was able to get up and continue to run.Deputies said 33-year-old Traci Desaussure, armed with a knife, chased her boyfriend across rush hour traffic and into a median.

Once in the median, Desaussure beat her boyfriend, deputies said."By witness accounts, yes, she chased him across I-4 and started fighting with him in the median against the guardrails," said Deputy James Nunn, of the Volusia County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators said Desaussure became enraged when she learned her boyfriend was allegedly having a sexual relationship with an underage girl.Deputies said the woman called 911 and warned them that she was about to kill her ex-boyfriend."I got an emergency," Desaussure said on the 911 call. "I need an officer now. There's gonna be a murder."

Desaussure's ex-boyfriend, Rayfield Campbell, said he witnessed everything."He trying to deny it, saying it wasn't true," Campbell said.Campbell said the couple argued in his front yard, and then Desaussure snapped."She started chasing him with the knife, got back in the van, went down the road," he said. "By the time I get down there, I heard a big boom."Deputies said the "boom" he heard was Williams' body hitting the windshield the mini-van."It happened so fast," Campbell said. "I didn't think she was going to hit him with a van."At that point, police said, Desaussure had hung up with the 911 operator and was holding a knife to Williams."He was holding her from stabbing him," Campbell said.Deputies said she was trying to carve out Williams' heart.

Witnesses said they heard Desaussure say that she hoped he was dead.Williams was flown to Halifax Medical Center and was in serious condition.Morning traffic was bottle-necked into one lane for a short time, and all eastbound lanes were shut down while a medical helicopter transported the man.

Desaussure is in custody and is facing attempted first-degree murder charges.

Determined To Talk, Wife Handcuffs Self To Husband

Determined To Talk, Wife Handcuffs Self To Husband

FAIRFIELD, Conn. - Fairfield police say they rescued a screaming husband with bite marks on his torso and arms who was handcuffed to his wife, who was attempting to reconcile with him.

Police charged 37-year-old Helen Sun with third-degree assault, disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment and unlawful restraint. She was due in Bridgeport Superior Court on Tuesday.

Police say Sun told them she wanted to have a full conversation with husband Robert Drawbough without him leaving. Police say she changed the locks on their bedroom and handcuffed herself to Drawbough while he was asleep.

Drawbough used a cell phone to call police, who heard his screams when they arrived at the couple's Fairfield home. He was treated at a local hospital.

Monday, March 16, 2009

From the Advice Goddess

March 12, 2009

Um, What About The Men And Boys?
Obama has just signed an executive order creating a White House Council on Women and Girls. From AFP:

"The purpose of this Council is to ensure that American women and girls are treated fairly in all matters of public policy," Obama said.

The council will meet regularly, he said, and will include Clinton, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Attorney General Eric Holder among other members, Obama said.

"I sign this order not just as a president, but as a son, a grandson, a husband and a father," Obama said.

He cited the example of his mother, Ann Dunham, who educated herself even while she worried about paying the bills and cared for Obama and his sister as a single parent.

Obama also recalled the example of his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who worked hard in the corporate world, but then hit a glass ceiling and saw less qualified men get jobs ahead of her.

"I've seen Michelle, the rock of the Obama family, juggling work and parenting with more skill and grace than anybody that I know," he said.

I've heard horrific stories of men being denied access to their children after a divorce, of boys getting harsh punishments that are not applied by schools or the legal system to girls, and I've seen scholarship and fellowship programs for women and minorities where guys, especially white guys, can't get in.

We don't fight discrimination with discrimination -- and while I am not for "councils" of this kind to begin with, I'm disgusted that the president thinks it's a good thing to come out with a council for women and girls when there are vast problems men and boys are dealing with.

And come to think of it, life is tough. For all of us in various ways. Isn't the president himself supposed to be a council for ALL Americans? Now that we've got a black guy in The White House, can't we stop with the coddling groups and special rights and privileges for some?

Then again, if you really want to change things, to really improve life for a great number of people (especially children), how about coming up with a Council Against Single Motherhood, including rich, largely white women, who are selfish, me-first/children's needs second "single mothers by choice"?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

San Jose teacher charged with having sex with 17-year-old student

If a male teacher had sex with a 17 year old student would you expect to see the media report the following:

Bob was arrested Feb. 26 and has been released on $15,000 bail. His attorney Edward N. Ajlouny said Bob plans to take "full responsibility" for the relationship. Ajlouny said he hopes to get the "best plea deal possible" for his client.

"Bob is a very good person who made a mistake," Ajlouny said. "He had some issues in his past that may have led him to make this choice. We're only hoping that we can avoid significant jail time. He's taken responsibility and he is trying to improve himself and get clarity so this won't happen again."

Of course that would never happen. But in the case of a female teacher that is exactly the case in the following report:

A love letter discovered by a mother has led to the arrest of a San Jose physical education teacher who is accused of having an illicit sexual relationship with a student, according to police reports.

Rita Brum, 24, a first-year teacher at Mount Pleasant High School in East San Jose, is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday on charges of having sexual relations with a minor — a 17-year-old female student, authorities said.

It marks the second time in a week that a female physical education teacher who has worked at a South Bay school was accused of having an illegal sexual relationship with a girl.

Last week, Abigail Holloway was arrested in Colorado on suspicion of having a three-year sexual relationship with a student at Kings Academy, a Christian preparatory school in Sunnyvale. The girl was 13 when the purported illicit relationship started.

Brum was arrested Feb. 26 and has been released on $15,000 bail. Her attorney Edward N. Ajlouny said Brum plans to take "full responsibility" for the relationship. Ajlouny said he hopes to get the "best plea deal possible" for his client.

"Rita is a very good person who made a mistake," Ajlouny said. "She had some issues in her past that may have led her to make this choice. We're only hoping that we can avoid significant jail time. She's taken responsibility and she is trying to improve herself and get clarity so this won't happen again."

full article here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

California Club in Former Women-Only Club Space Closes

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ROSA, CA -- Body Zone Fitness, which took over the space formerly occupied by Body Central, closed its doors last week, according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Body Central was the women-only club that closed a few months after a judge ruled in a lawsuit that it must admit men as members.
In 2003, a Santa Rosa man, Phillip Kottle, filed a complaint that he was denied a membership to Body Central because of his gender. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) said that Body Central violated California’s civil rights law barring businesses from discriminating based on sex, race or religion.

The Body Central owner at the time, Shannon Hartnett, signed a settlement agreement with the DFEH in October 2004 that required her to open the club to men. She agreed to provide at least one hour of anti-discrimination training to the club's staff and agreed to get rid of all advertising that portrayed Body Central as a women-only club. Hartnett also agreed to pay Kottle $500, and the club was required to provide separate shower and locker facilities for men within two years.'

Wealthy men give women more orgasms

Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.

They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.

“Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.

He believes the phenomenon is an “evolutionary adaptation” that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality.

The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers.

However, it fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes.

The female orgasm is the focus of much research because it appears to have no reproductive purpose. Women can become pregnant whatever their pleasure levels.

Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, his co-author, believed, however, that the female orgasm is an evolutionary adaptation that drives women to choose and retain high-quality partners.

He and Nettle tested that idea using data gathered in one of the world’s biggest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partners whose data was the basis for the study.

They found that 121 of these women always had orgasms during sex, while 408 more had them “often”. Another 762 “sometimes” orgasmed while 243 had them rarely or never. Such figures are similar to those for western countries.

There were of course, several factors involved in such differences but, said Pollet, money was one of the main ones.

He said: “Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women’s self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms.”

This is not an effect limited to Chinese women. Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.

David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, who raised this question in his book The Evolution of Desire believes female orgasms have several possible purposes.

“They could promote emotional bonding with a high-quality male or they could serve as a signal that women are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men,” he said. “What those orgasms are saying is ‘I'm extremely loyal, so you should invest in me and my children’."

Monday, March 9, 2009

Teacher Sex Scandel finally explodes- Police file 33 Charges

New Kensington, PA (The Weekly Vice) -- As we predicted early on, the case of Abbie Jane Swogger - the ex-stripper turned teacher's aid, is shaping up to be perhaps the most prolific teacher's sex scandal of all time. Investigation into this mother and short term teacher's aid has produced a sheer volume of charges that now surpass any teacher sex scandal that we're aware of thus far.

Just to be clear, we aren't classifying this case as the most nationally recognized one. That distinction belongs to former teacher Debra Lafave, who's photos still circulate the Internet.

This case however seems to be a bottomless, meaning that the charges seem to double every few months as police uncover more and more about Swogger's activities.

Well, here we go again.

New Kensington Police have filed 33 new charges against Abbie-Jane Swogger, a 34 year old former teachers aid at Highlands High School.

Previously, Swogger was arrested after police found her hosting a drugs and sex party with several high school students. Investigators say that Swogger got the male and female students high in hopes of luring them to have sex with her. Police found cocaine, alcohol and condoms at the hotel where the party took place.

Police say Abbie-Jane then violated the terms of her bond when she was found in the home of another Highlands High School teacher's aide.

As police went to arrest her at her home, they found her with a 17 year old boy who was inside her house, yet another violation of her bond. Inside Swogger's home, police found cocaine and crack cocaine as well is various drug paraphernalia. Additional charges of 'Drug Possession' and 'Corrupting The Morals Of Minors' quickly ensued.

Are we finished yet?

Absolutely not! To make things interesting, grainy sex photos of Swogger surfaced on a MySpace personal page, showing an undressed Swogger grouped together with several teens. When police tracked down what was going on in THAT photo, the lid blew off this case.

Morgan O'Dell, one of the boys in the photo, said the pictures were taken at party at a home in Natrona in January of this year.

There were more than 15 people at a party ranging from the ages of 16 to 20. That's where he saw Swogger naked with some of the males fondling her.

"I stopped down and apparently walked into the wrong room," said O'Dell. "When I was there, everybody was grabbing her. I just got into the picture," O'Dell said. "I thought it was funny and then I left."

Police investigated and found that Swoggar took the picture during a party she threw at a 15 year old boy's house. The teacher allegedly had stripped for several under aged teens before posing for a group shot.

Police said Swogger had a relationship that lasted several weeks with one of those boys, a 17-year-old she met at the high school she had previously worked for.

Swogger was promptly charged with with 'corruption of minors', 'unlawful contact with a minor' and 'selling or furnishing liquor to minors.'

Now police have announced the addition of 33 additional charges in the case.

Police now say that a 17-year-old Harrison boy admitted to having a "sexual relationship" with Swogger for several weeks starting in January.

Swogger will also be charged on accusations that she offered to give two girls $40 to beat up another girl who allegedly posted one of Swogger's nude photos on the Web.

Various other charges include soliciting sex from two minor girls, having unlawful contact with minors, having cocaine, and corrupting the morals of minors.

The number of separate sex scandals that have been generated in this case has required prosecutors to roll all the separate cases into one colossal monster drugs/sex case.

Add up all of the sex charges, all of the drug charges and another stack of assorted teen corruption charges - and you have what could easily be the most drama rich teacher sex scandal to date.

This may be what shapes up to be the mother of all teacher sex scandal cases - and the trial hasn't even begun.

Here is our previous report on this story. Photos Included

Teachers charged with 'having sex with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two Bountiful Junior High School teachers are accused of sexually assaulting the same 13-year-old student, after their separate relationships with him spiraled from personal conversations to the exchange of sexual text messages and phone sex, authorities said.

On Friday, the Davis County Attorney's Office filed first-degree felony charges of rape and sodomy on a child against Linda R. Nef, 46, and Valynne Bowers, 39.

Nef, a Utah studies teacher and cheerleading adviser, and Bowers, who teaches math, each confessed to having sex with the student, said Bountiful Police Lt. Randy Pickett. Until recently, the two teachers did not know about each other's relationship with the same boy, Pickett said.'

NYTimes: Opinion column ignores DV facts

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Conversation should start young because abusive relationships can, she warns. Dating violence is shockingly common among teenagers. According to the Family Violence and Prevention Fund: One in five female high school students reports being physically and or sexually abused by a date...'

Among other things she cites one-sided stats on dating violence.

You can post a reply and can send a letter to

Some stats on dating violence and DV:

A recent 32-nation study on dating violence by the University of New Hampshire found women are as violent and controlling as men in relationships worldwide.

Friday, March 6, 2009

GM Castrates Men Using Feminist Ad

GM Castrates Men Using Feminist Ad

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

I am old enough to remember when the word "Cadillac" was synonymous with success. It was the ultimate masculine status symbol.

A recent Cadillac commercial sells cars to feminists as a symbol of their success in degrading and humiliating men.

It's part of an ongoing Psychological Operation waged by the London-based central banking cartel designed to destroy heterosexuality and the family. The bankers perceive real men as a threat to their plan for world government tyranny. General Motors and other multinationals are all singing from the banker's homosexual/lesbian songbook.

The commercial (entitled "Khakis") depicts white males scurrying like mice at the appearance of the office cat. To a chorus of "Here Comes Success" a young woman strides confidently through the office intimidating the young slackers who are in various states of idleness.

In one office, a man smells his armpit. Another man is doing Tai Chi. Another takes his feet off his desk. Another is eating. Another throws up his arms in submission. There is no way to impress her; she is unattainable. While they include minorities, there is not one women in the ranks of these slackers!

The young goddess finds herself alone in an elevator with a male co-worker. When she says, "Hi Chris," the pen in his pocket spurts ink, suggesting he cannot contain his excitement. Premature ejaculation = impotence.

The goddess notices and smirks. In the next scene, she is driving away in her Cadillac. She thinks about Chris and laughs triumphantly. It is not enough that she is "successful"; the satisfaction is in lording it over men.

The message on the screen is "Enjoy the Driver's Seat." Then the Cadillac emblem appears with another message "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of [Success]". But where is she going? Home to an empty apartment? What man would put up with her?

Contrast this commercial with a 1987 Cadillac ad featuring a male who exudes Charleton Heston-like masculinity, maturity and pride. How far we have fallen in just 20 years!

The new commercial demonstrates that female empowerment is really about degrading and emasculating men so they will accept subjugation in the New World Order.

These corporations also promote homosexuality in numerous TV dramas they sponsor.
In shows like "Ugly Betty", "Desperate Housewives", "ER", "Brothers and Sisters" and "Grey's Anatomy," homosexuality is "portrayed in a positive manner, as a normal and accepted lifestyle," according to a recent study.

"Some scenes include homosexual kisses and bedrooms scenes. In instances where opposition to homosexuality is portrayed, the opposing character is publicly ridiculed or condemned by the other characters on the program."

This isn't about tolerance; it is about teaching heterosexuals to be homosexuals.

The Cadillac commercial does the same thing. Heterosexuality is based on the exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. A woman expresses her femininity and love when she accepts her husband's leadership. She empowers him.

On the other hand, when a man trades power for love, he is psychologically castrated and becomes a woman.

Power= penis. Masculinity is defined by power. General Motors is neutering both men and women by inflating women's self-importance. It ensures they will be demanding and unreceptive while men will find them unattainable and unapproachable.

The result is failure to form long-term monogamous relationships, leading to promiscuity, family breakdown and childlessness, i.e. homosexual behavior.

The woman in the commercial is not very impressive. She is not especially attractive nor well dressed. She doesn’t look intelligent and could be mistaken for support staff. Why is this? So average young American women can easily identify with her.

This commercial has nothing to do with selling cars, quite the opposite. What man would buy a Cadillac after watching it? What young woman would or could? This commercial is elite-mandated brainwashing, designed to neuter both men and women.

Trained to see women as "underdogs," we don't recognize how despicable this commercial really is. Reverse the sexes. Imagine a man striding down the hallway and women running for cover. Imagine a woman smelling her armpit or looking stupid. Imagine her wetting herself or fainting in the elevator. Woman's groups would holler "abuse."

It's never "hate" when men are being degraded. It's only hate when someone opposes their socially destructive homosexual-lesbian agenda.


In this context, I should mention the "Whiskas" cat food campaign that encourages young women to substitute cats for male leadership. "Only cats can be cats," is the message.

Each commercial shows men emulating cats: clawing at the curtains, playing with yarn or lying on the couch.

Well they finally did it. They now have a commercial that shows a man taking a dump in a litter box. Can you imagine if they degraded a woman in this way?

Bruce Miller, director of marketing for Whiskas, said the company's consumer research showed that cats are in charge. "We had women in the focus group say, 'If my husband behaved that way, I wouldn't put up with it. But my cat does, and I love him for it.' "

In other words, women are in charge of the male-female relationship. "Only cats can be men."


Mankind is in the talons of a satanic cult called the Illuminati. George W. Bush is a member (Skull and Bones). The central bankers empower this cult which uses Freemasonry, foundations, professional associations, intelligence agencies, the education system, the media and government to control society.

The bankers are waging an undeclared psychological war on society in order to establish their world government. Women are the main dupes and victims of their cruel feminist PsyOp. Unfit for marriage, many will end up alone and bitter or become single mothers. I'd wager that few will be driving Cadillacs.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Female sex offender trades two kids for cockatoo

A convicted female sex offender caring for the children of a fugitive mother swapped the kids for a cockatoo.[note: good luck finding this in female child abuse statistics]

Majority behind on Child Support earn less than 10K

This 2004 study by the Office of Child Support Enforcement shows that, according to their figures, 63% of all people who are behind on their child support report earning less than $10,000 per year. That accounts for 70% of all the child support owed in this country. The same figures show that 34% of child support obligors report earning no money at all during the year.

Of course those are reported earnings, and no one thinks that all those people report everything they earn. That would be as foolish as assuming that the child support system records everything they pay, which it doesn't. A lot of non-custodial parents make payments in cash or as gifts which don't get recorded by "the system." Sanford Braver's study in Maricopa (AZ) County found that only 43% of child support was made to the clerk of the court and thus officially recorded.

Still, it doesn't take much imagination to understand that, overwhelmingly, the people who owe the money don't have it to give. To say that the majority of the people who are behind on their payments are fathers is to state the obvious. Given that 84% of non-custodial parents are fathers, how could it be otherwise?

An interesting aspect of the report is this quotation: "The best way to reduce the total national child support debt is to avoid accumulating arrears in the first place. The best ways to avoid the accumulation of arrears are to set appropriate orders initially, modify orders via simple procedures promptly when family circumstances change and immediately intervene when current support is not paid (emphasis mine)."

Are states listening? I doubt it, but in case they are, let me say what I've said before - family courts need to establish quick, summary ways to adjust child support payments "when family circumstances change." When a non-custodial parent loses a job, has a health crisis or for some other legitimate reason is unable to earn the income on which child support was originally established, there should be an easy way for him/her to appear in court without an attorney

, but with the custodial parent on notice, and explain facts to the judge.

Courts could appoint special child support modification masters whose job it would be to hear those cases. The evidence required to obtain a modification could be published and standardized - letters from doctors, employers, etc. should be sufficient. No attorney would be necessary and the rules of evidence relaxed. Testimony would be under oath. False testimony would be punished.

Sanford Braver found that, when obligors who had lost their job were removed from the database, between 80% and 100% of child support was paid in full and on time. So the obvious solution to child support arrearages is as the OCSE says, to make it easy, quick and cheap to get those orders modified when circumstances warrant.