Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Teacher Charged with Rape

This time it's Carmina Lopez, 32, who allegedly had sex with one of her 12-year-old students numerous times three years ago (NBC San Diego, 1/30/09). The boy has come forward recently and police say it's not just a "he said/she said" case. Apparently there are witnesses.

To those who say that boys this age aren't injured by their sexual abuse by women, please note that one school official said, "'The child is suffering from psychological issues and is being seen by a counselor.'"

Whatever turns out to be true in the end, it's worth noting that the State of California seems inclined to throw the book at Lopez. Dozens of charges ranging from aggravated sexual battery to child cruelty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, and bail set at $2 million all sound like taking this one seriously.

Of course we don't yet know what happened or her side of the story. And the State of California may decide that a few months of probation is sufficient "punishment." Who knows? It's far too early to draw conclusions, but right now it looks like the sentencing discount may have been suspended in this case.

Because she's Hispanic?

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