Friday, January 2, 2009

Female-on-male violence is Fun

And who better to remind us than Britney Spears? Her latest music video features tie-grabbing and that old favorite, crotch-kicking by none other than America's favorite crotch flasher herself. View it here. And lest anyone not get the message, check the glee with which the crotch-kicking is greeted by audience members. You go, girl!

But Good Morning America and Diane Sawyer are down with the program too. Sawyer loves it so much she opens the show gushing over the DV promotion. Not even a hint of disapproval.

How's that guys? A good way to start the day?

And while I'm asking, let me ask this too: Do feminists ever condemn this stuff? They've preached the evils of DV for decades, so what's NOW's take on depictions of female-on-male DV? Or any other feminist organization's for that matter. Inquiring minds want to know.

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