Friday, December 28, 2007

Women's concept of Equality

Women's concept of Equality

The Recurring Pattern, Of Modern History

Step 1: Men invent a new industry or technology.

Step 2: As soon as the new industry or technology becomes super-safe to use and/or glamorous enough to be trendy, small numbers of women (brave "pioneers"!) become interested in it.

Step 3: Brave pioneering women start to discover the new field isn't a bowl of cherries.

Step 4: Brave pioneering women get their feelings hurt and complain that men have developed the industry/field to suit themselves and have unfairly shut women out of their private little boy's club.

Step 5: After court papers are filed, men start to create special programs to lower standards and advance the number of women to top positions in the field while paying less attention to such irrelevant things as qualifications and ability.

Step 6: After women achieve a number of high-level positions in the field, they begin gloating that men have lost their edge and no longer have what it takes to compete in this brave, new world of 'ekwalitee'.

Step 7: Repeat.

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