Friday, December 21, 2007

Releativism of DV

No-one actually knows the true figures for domestic violence. The
official figures are virtually meaningless in that they derive mostly
from incidents that would paint us all as 'domestically violent'.

The legal reality, however, is that domestic violence is now largely
defined by the woman's attitude to whatever she claims to be
experiencing at the time. And the problem with this - apart from the
sheer unfairness of it all from the point of view of the man - is that
her attitude is not something that is objectively definable, and neither
is it 'fixed' - in the sense that a woman's attitudes can change and
fluctuate almost as much as the wind.

Indeed, in the USA, some 20
million women experience clinically severe emotional disturbances every single month through PMS, and about 5 million have significant
personality disorders.

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