Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A judicial system that sends a man to jail for brutalizing a dog, but bends over backwards to accommodate a woman who desires to brutalize the human fetus growing inside her.

By the way, I am all in favor of people doing whatever they want to THEIR OWN BODY. And by "own body" I mean anything with the EXACT SAME dna as you. Your body is all the same DNA.

I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I am pretty sure my DNA is different than my mom's DNA and her DNA is unique and different from yours. So under the "I can do whatever I want to MY OWN body" logic, by all means, do whatever you want to any part of YOUR body which is comprised of YOUR DNA.

The human fetus living, growing, breathing, thinking, pumping his or her own unique blood and dna throughout its tiny body, keep your hands off him or her, because that is most certainly NOT your body anymore than Evander Hollyfield's ear was part of Mike Tyson's body just because it was connected to, and within Tyson's person.

Another thing... how is this society so crooked that when someone calls a female basketball player nappy headed, the guy is fired and an entire community is up in arms about how "offended" they are, and society demands justice be served, but when thousands of human babies are discarded every day, life goes on ho hum?
Very Truly Yours,

Hollis Green

Equality and reproductive rights !!!

Women already have more rights than men!

How many women have died in Iraq vs men? Do they want equality there???

How many women died in the Utah mine? Do they want equality there???

The list goes on and on...........................

More money is spetn on breast cancer than prostate cancer even though more men die from prostate cancer than women do from breast cancer.

And reproductive rights

If a women becomes pregnant
the mother can have an abortion, drop the kid off (abandon), put up for adoption, keep the child.
the father has NO choice but to be a "wallet" for 18 years.

Support "Choice for Men" and Mens Rights

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