Thursday, March 26, 2009

Woman charged with letting 12-year-old drive

Police say a woman let her 12-year-old daughter drive from the Sun Prairie area into Great Falls to drop off three younger siblings at day care.

Angela Parenteau, 32, is accused of having the girl take her siblings, ages 1, 2 and 4, into town earlier today. The drive is about five miles each way.

Police were alerted by day care employees, who saw the young girl drive up.

Parenteau told police she didn't want to take the kids herself because she was sick and on medication, Great Falls Police Sgt. Jeff Newton said. She did drive in to talk to police after the complaint was made, Newton said.

Parenteau was cited with four counts of endangering the welfare of children and one count of allowing an unauthorized minor to operate a motor vehicle, all misedemeanors.

Family services officials with the state were notified, Newton said.

What is wrong with some of the parents around here? We've had little girls out wandering in the cold, babies beaten until they are blind with permanent brain damage and now a 12 year old driving her siblings to day care? It's nuts. Parents are supposed to keep their children from dangerous situations, not put them in one. Something is seriously wrong with this woman and the rest of the recent news makers. I don't understand what is going on around here.

There was no father around to do his job. By definition women are then VICTIMS!!!!

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