Wednesday, March 11, 2009

California Club in Former Women-Only Club Space Closes

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ROSA, CA -- Body Zone Fitness, which took over the space formerly occupied by Body Central, closed its doors last week, according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Body Central was the women-only club that closed a few months after a judge ruled in a lawsuit that it must admit men as members.
In 2003, a Santa Rosa man, Phillip Kottle, filed a complaint that he was denied a membership to Body Central because of his gender. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) said that Body Central violated California’s civil rights law barring businesses from discriminating based on sex, race or religion.

The Body Central owner at the time, Shannon Hartnett, signed a settlement agreement with the DFEH in October 2004 that required her to open the club to men. She agreed to provide at least one hour of anti-discrimination training to the club's staff and agreed to get rid of all advertising that portrayed Body Central as a women-only club. Hartnett also agreed to pay Kottle $500, and the club was required to provide separate shower and locker facilities for men within two years.'

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