Thursday, March 12, 2009

San Jose teacher charged with having sex with 17-year-old student

If a male teacher had sex with a 17 year old student would you expect to see the media report the following:

Bob was arrested Feb. 26 and has been released on $15,000 bail. His attorney Edward N. Ajlouny said Bob plans to take "full responsibility" for the relationship. Ajlouny said he hopes to get the "best plea deal possible" for his client.

"Bob is a very good person who made a mistake," Ajlouny said. "He had some issues in his past that may have led him to make this choice. We're only hoping that we can avoid significant jail time. He's taken responsibility and he is trying to improve himself and get clarity so this won't happen again."

Of course that would never happen. But in the case of a female teacher that is exactly the case in the following report:

A love letter discovered by a mother has led to the arrest of a San Jose physical education teacher who is accused of having an illicit sexual relationship with a student, according to police reports.

Rita Brum, 24, a first-year teacher at Mount Pleasant High School in East San Jose, is scheduled to be arraigned Thursday on charges of having sexual relations with a minor — a 17-year-old female student, authorities said.

It marks the second time in a week that a female physical education teacher who has worked at a South Bay school was accused of having an illegal sexual relationship with a girl.

Last week, Abigail Holloway was arrested in Colorado on suspicion of having a three-year sexual relationship with a student at Kings Academy, a Christian preparatory school in Sunnyvale. The girl was 13 when the purported illicit relationship started.

Brum was arrested Feb. 26 and has been released on $15,000 bail. Her attorney Edward N. Ajlouny said Brum plans to take "full responsibility" for the relationship. Ajlouny said he hopes to get the "best plea deal possible" for his client.

"Rita is a very good person who made a mistake," Ajlouny said. "She had some issues in her past that may have led her to make this choice. We're only hoping that we can avoid significant jail time. She's taken responsibility and she is trying to improve herself and get clarity so this won't happen again."

full article here

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