Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No Fathers’ Day Cards Allowed in Scotland

The Sunday Times of London reports that large numbers of school children in Scotland were prohibited from making Father's Day cards a couple weeks ago in this article. School officials claim they didn't want to embarrass students who come from single mother and lesbian households.

Is this simply another episode of "political correctness run amok?" Is it yet another example of public education systems trumpeting self-esteem above all else?

According to the Times, Mother's Day cards were not generally restricted, even though not all children have mothers. But Father's Day cards were banned for thousands of kids in cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow.

We think the explanation is simple: fathers are held in such low regard that no issue is too small to merit throwing fathers under the bus. Is this how low the bar has sunk for cutting dads out of the picture?

The reasons given for the Scottish prohibition are pretty flimsy when you stop to think about them. To state the obvious...

Continue reading here.

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