Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Are You a Man?? Do You have Eyes???

Apparently if some hyperprotective parent thinks you're looking at their kids, it's about to become a felony in Maine. Excerpt:

'Under the bill, if someone is arrested for viewing children in a public place, it would be a Class D felony if the child is between 12 to 14 years old and a Class C felony if the child is under 12, according to Alexander.

Hill said she believes the move was necessary to correct what she called a "loophole" in the state's criminal law statutes.'


Might as well just pass the 'born male? You are illegal' law now.

And what is really amusing about this Maine law is that all the data proves that most child abusers are WOMEN! (Usually mothers.)

1984 come true. just a little off on the exact year. wonder what's next from femland?
concentration camps? badges just for men w/o wives? don't laugh. felony charges because some feminist idiot feels a certain way on a certain day, or maybe just doesn't like you.

If a parent allows their young daughter to dress like an adult woman, they should realize that's going to draw attention--both from people who are attracted to that kind of thing, and those who are repelled by it.

I foresee a lot of parents with "mini-slut" daughters screaming for innocent blood when a man so much as glances in the girls' directions.

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