Monday, February 25, 2008



Article here


No money disbursed without DNA first!”

For her, once is a fault, twice is culpable irresponsibility and any more than that is disgustingly shameful! At any rate, the number is not always significant, but could be as important as the crime itself. When discovered, Paternity Fraud should be punishable by imprisonment.

Face it, fraud is fraud and it doesn’t make any difference if it’s corporate, love or marital. When caught and there’s a DNA substantiation that this baby does not belong to mom’s husband, boyfriend or current partner, and these men were continually paying heavily out of their pockets, then there needs to be some jail time. This would also include artificial insemination, without the donors’ permission or in other words, sperm theft. The mom who duped the guy into paying for children he did not father should be put into the slammer, no question.

While she is serving her term, which should be a minimum of one year, per count, (1 child=1 year, 2 children=2 years, etc.), any money she makes while working within the prison system, should be given to the ex-husband, partner or defiled donor. It would be either to start paying back the ‘payer’ or to help support the children. Why would the fact that ‘she is the mother of those children’ have anything to do with her serving an established sentence? She did not show regard for either the husband or the children, so it’s a little late to claim she was merely considering the welfare of the children, isn’t it? Where was her concern for the welfare of the children when she deprived them not only of the love and company of the father they had known, but also of their real, albeit sometimes obviously, undeserving of it father?

She was the one who was completely reckless, not the partner; so why didn’t she tell him she was unhappy, or just end the marriage or relationship before any pregnancies. In fact, if the woman finds it that difficult to confide her feelings to her man, then why have any relationship or get married at all?

If this was a sperm theft, then she should be locked up permanently. However, this isn’t possible, but she should get ample time, no less than five years, in the slammer for a grand theft, so she will reconsider and learn from what she has done. What she’s achieved would be the same as stealing a man’s body part, for Pete’s sake!

When women cheat on their husbands, thousands upon thousands of them do not take precautions. WHY? For too many years, men have been paying child support for children they have not fathered, and it’s spreading like a bad disease of the female psyche.

The wives have duped their spouses into signing anywhere from one to five birth certificates. Then, the women get tired of their partners, they hightail it to a lawyer to begin divorce proceedings. Dad must then ‘own up’ to his responsibility of supporting the children. Depending on how many there are, this could cost him nearly all of his hard-earned paycheck, a hefty divorce settlement, his 401K and everything he had put away for a rainy day. Well guys, put away your umbrellas because if the battle is fought properly the payload and payback could be sweet.

If any man recalls the old saying, “The squeakiest wheel gets the oil” then the necessary steps are at the fingertips of the lawmakers. I do have one question, though. Where is the ACLU when men really need them? Shouldn’t they be protesting on Capitol Hill somewhere, for MENS RIGHTS? Where ARE these people when men really need them? They sure squawk for everyone else’s rights. Why not MENS PATERNITY RIGHTS? Com’on gentlemen, they’re not doing their jobs over there, and men are still in turmoil about this issue. If some men are sitting back doing nothing, then they ARE taking the path of least resistance.

Mandatory DNA, live birth testing should be made binding across the nation. It should begin in Washington and proceed to each state. In the meantime, the dad who has been deceived, is now left standing on the heavy end of justice scales, while mom stays at home, pretending she is the helpless, hopeless victim of a bad marriage. She runs to the officials of the Friend of the Court, Family Court and Child Support Agencies whining about what she does not have, and they actually believe her.

It is just so astonishing that suddenly she is so concerned about the welfare of her children, but she could have cared less when she decided to deprive them of the company of their father. On the other hand, is their DAD REALLY THEIR DAD, or did mommy actually run away from dad before he found out the children were not his? First and foremost, ‘DNA before you pay.’

Give her jail instead, for jumping into his bed!”

She had the itch, so it’s jail for the witch!”

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