Friday, January 25, 2008

Single, Male, and not a Sperm Bank

Story here: Excerpt:

'... some proud, single men say they're better off alone.

"A man is a sperm bank, a meal ticket, a handyman and an early retirement plan," Gulvin says.

For those reasons and others, he has decided to go through life without committing to one romantic relationship.'

This is an AP story that appeared on the back page of the local paper today. The treatment is not as even-handed as one would like, but is better than I would have expected from my local Leftist/Feminist fish-wrap. I think the reporter wasn't sure how to sneer at men for being single by choice when women have been lauded for "independence" for so long.

Men are learning to take a long, cold look at the women that are trying to manipulate them into a "relationship", and ask the key question, "what's in it for me?". Most of the time, the answer is going to be "Not as much as it is going to cost you." This story is about some men who have asked the question and come up with a realistic answer.

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