Friday, February 8, 2008

Write for William Heatherton: Still Jailed

By Denise Noe - Link here

Michigan resident William J. Hetherington has been imprisoned for more than 20 years on evidence that was weak and questionable. Two police officers testified that they saw tape marks on the face of Linda Hetherington that appeared to support her story that she was bound by him. However, photographs taken of Linda Hetherington after the alleged attack were not disclosed to William’s attorneys. A decade after his conviction, a lawyer was able to obtain them through the Freedom of Information Act. These photographs were analyzed by John Valor, a forensic photographer who testified against Ted Bundy. Valor wrote about the pictures of Linda Hetherington that he could “not find anything unusual in the skin tones of these photos.”

Prior to William’s trial, the prosecution was offered a plea deal that would have allowed him to be released with the time served in jail constituting his sentence. He refused the deal because he insisted that he was innocent. However, it is obvious that the prosecutors would not – or certainly should not – have made this offer if they felt that he was a danger to the public.

William J. Hetherington had no criminal record. The judge disregarded the sentencing guidelines to throw the book at this defendant for no other reason that that the jurist found something “disturb[ing]” about him.

His was the first spousal rape case prosecuted in Genesee County and the prosecutor and judge may have been grandstanding to make an example out of him – perhaps a scapegoat! – to prove that spousal rape will be severely punished in that county.

Anyone who examines the facts set out in my previous blog and in articles linked in it ought to conclude that he might well have been innocent. He indisputably received a sentence vastly disproportionate to what the sentencing guidelines say he should have received.

For over two decades, William J. Hetherington has suffered the deprivations and degradations of prison life. He is aging and in ill health. It is too late for justice for him. All he can hope for is the relief of being finally granted his freedom.

Some of those reading may not think much of me. You may think I am crazy, stupid, and a total waste of humanity. I ask that you lay those feelings aside and consider only the plight of William J. Hetherington. He needs your help! Write on his behalf to both the parole board and to the Michigan Governor. Your letters should be respectful and include mention of his prison number, 186155.

The parole board can be contacted at the following address.
Michigan Parole Board
c/o Executive Secretary
PO Box 30003
Lansing, MI 48909

Mr. Hetherington has asked that those who write to the parole board mail a copy of their letters to him. His address follows.

William J. Hetherington #186155
1790 E. Parnall Rd.
Jackson, MI 49201-7139

Information about contacting the Michigan Governor to request a commutation or pardon for Mr. Hetherington can be found at,1607,7-168-21995—,00.html.

Please write today. Every day that passes is a day of horror for William J Hetherington.


  1. donnieboy57 said,

    i live in genesee county and can tell you that in this liberal infested, anti-male environment, he is but a footnote in history. the gov. is a liberal female who just elected to a second term (highest unemployment in the country) WITHOUT the male vote. hello! he has a better chance presenting his case to lorena bobbit. sad sad state of affairs. stay single, don't commingle your funds and never put yourself in a situation that could result in a women holding you accountable with out proof. hard to do, i understand but what choice do we have?

    February 7, 2008 at 9:31 am
  2. M. Kemp said,


    Thanks for this excellent post. And don't be so down on yourself. I think a great deal of you, and am disappointed to hear that some think that you're "crazy, stupid, and a total waste of humanity." The more fool them. Anyway, it's nice to see that you're asking people to put whatever they feel about you to one side, so as to help out Mr. Hetherington, who really needs help.

    February 7, 2008 at 11:42 am
  3. fourthwire said,

    Please note that the following comment pertains to Denise's PREVIOUS blog on the William Hetherington rape case, not the current blog under which this comment appears.

    I was unfortunately out of contact when Denise posted that first blog, but out of fairness to her, want my appreciation to her communicated to the MND readers.

    Later today or tomorrow I will comment on Denise's more current blog about the William Hetherington case.

    Last night I posted the following comment under her first William Hetherington blog:

    Belatedly, I read your blog on William Hetherington's case, Denise. Sorry to have been out of contact for so long.

    Even taking my own interest in this case aside, I am impressed with the quality of your writing, your articulation of the information available, and your interest in delving into almost every man's nightmare.

    Much is written about how actual rape hurts and scars women, but you have now delved into how rape accusations can destroy a man's life.

    I know that I have written harshly, even impolitely in reply to some of your earlier blogs.

    But through this particular blog, I am privy to some of the best writing that I have had the pleasure to read on a topic that is near and dear to my heart.

    As you know, I am already fairly well-versed on many of the aspects of this particular case and you managed to cover quite well many of the salient details of which I am aware.

    I do not know if your investigations to date have uncovered information about a letter supposedly written by the Hetheringtons' babysitter that was declared inadmissible as evidence, since it was forthcoming some time after William Hetherington's conviction.

    That letter supposedly stated that Linda Hetherington lied about the so-called rape incident since she was having an affair, and wanted her husband safely out of the way, unable to claim custody of their children, much less their house and other assets.

    If this alleged letter actually was written, it would have provided a motive for Linda Hetherington's deranged or malicious rape accusation against William Hetherington.

    That being written, your blog has shown me that facet of a compassionate, intelligent, loving credit to American womanhood that apparently our friend amfortas perceived some time ago.

    In writing this blog, you have demonstrated your compassion for men's plight - how rape accusations can be used to separate a man from his career, his children, his home, his assets, his right to an attorney, and his freedom, for a woman's personal convenience, or simply so that radical feminists can demonstrate their hatred for men, not to mention their political power.

    My own crude investigations into this case shows that it's very likely that William Hetherington was purposely denied due justice, due to political pressure to make a man “an example”, at Michigan feminists’ bidding.

    He was almost certainly railroaded into a prison cell for his wife's convenience, and so that Michigan's feminists could continue inciting women to male-hatred, and men to learn to fear their own wives' whims.

    If the Duke lacrosse team defendants had not had considerable funding available to hire attorneys, perhaps they would have fared no better than Mr. Hetherington.

    Keith McKay, if you read this message, please convey my own email address to Mr. Hetherington:

    Denise, you have my admiration and respect for doing the right thing, through writing about Mr. Hetherington's case as eloquently as you have.

    I truly hope that the state of Michigan that incarcerated him sees fit to pardon him, wipe his record clean and restore a measure of justice for him.

    This miscarriage of justice could have happened to me, Denise.

    It could have happened to most men…… to be unjustly convicted of one of the most heinous crimes, merely on a whim, for the convenience of an unscrupulous or deranged woman, backed by a judge doing the bidding of men-haters.

    Thank you for providing this articulately-, compassionately-written blog, Denise Noe.

    I hope that you will write more about the case in the future, if you have sufficient material.

    February 7, 2008 at 1:14 pm
  4. steven deluca said,


    I hope that I never see you write about yourself in a manner that even hints at whether or not you care if others think poorly of you. Forthwire said it better than I ever could. I wish I could write as well as either of you or express my ideas as clearly.

    I have enjoyed both of your comments, very much, over time…

    Heatherington was "raped" by the courts. A man grabbing a girl scout selling cookies, or a little Catholic girl on her way home, some innocent, and then raping a child, or even any stranger, should get 20 years.

    Only in a culture that has exalted vaginas slighty about the stars, while demeaning male sexuality on a weekly bases, - men are dogs, … would think that even if a man did force his wife to have sex, 20 years is completley crazy.

    With their history, time together, personal issues, to make that a 20 years offense is a sign of how far we have gone in our male bashing culture. It's as if a monster had forced himself on a Goddess. I cant think of it as much less than that. No one knows for sure yet he gets 20 years, …just in case. Got to send a message to other men and even if it wasn't fair to him, at least other men will think twice, is that it?

    We are not responsible for men and women who marry, express love, and then hate each other and try to rip each other to shreds. IN a culture that has 2 million men in prison, and whre we need tax money for children for health and education, to spend the money to keep a man in jail for twenty years - when you now there is room for doubt, — the public is paying for this couple.

    I don't know what their personal problems were. I do know that we didn't have the money to buy the best armor for boys dying in Iraq and I resent paying our taxes so that the battle between Heatherington and his wife, used as pawns by feminist in their war against men… ended up costing what, a million or two… worst case, he was real angry and this time, instead of asking permission or going along with what she wanted and desired in the past, sex with him, dozens to hundreds of time, but this one extra time, he put his penis in her against her wishes, … 20 years for that, for something he has done many times but because he didn't have permission, because this time she didn't want it, because they couldn't keep their promises and agreements, and love turned to hate, we pay?

    And if he is innocent, what then? What if she lied and he lost twenty years of life? What would be worse.? Being raped isn't near as bad as losing two decades of your life.

    I think he is innocent from what I have heard. And if guilty, wouldn't a couple of years loss of freedom get revenge enough by an X wife?

    Thanks Denise, I was real appreciative of your article and I think you must have been having a bad day to run yourself down so much or to listen to those who don't like your style. I like your style. No body is perfect but your writing is great and I love the variety.


    February 7, 2008 at 9:01 pm
  5. amfortas said,

    "Some of those reading may not think much of me. You may think I am crazy, stupid, and a total waste of humanity."

    Ooowwh, I wouldn't go that far Denise. :)

    Thank you for the Heatherington tale. I had heard of him some time back but you giving some adresses enables me to do something, even if just small. He shows resolve. Why should an innocent man declare that he is sorry? he needs ordinary men to recognise him.

    Keep wasting my time with your musings, analyses, crazy and occasionally only-very-slightly-stupid (well within the 'normal' range) thoughts on screen.

    If enough of us write to say hello, keep your chin up, to Mr Heatherington, he might thank you too. You will deserve it.

    You and he both deserve recognition.

    February 8, 2008 at 3:05 am
  6. DrDamage said,

    Denise, you really shouldn't take the fact that we sometimes disagree with what you have said as a rejection of your character.

    You are in interesting and thoughtful writer with whom I often disagree. That makes for interesting discussion provided the participants are able to address the arguments rather than the person making them. I for one have never doubted your good faith.

    February 8, 2008 at 3:44 am
  7. Denise Noe said,

    Thank you fourthwire, M Kemp, Steven Deluca, amfortas and DrDamage for your support of me. It is really appreciated.
    However, the focus of this blog is really meant to be William J. Hetherington. Have you written to the parole board? Have you written to the Governor of Michigan? It is very, very important that everyone who supports release for this man make their views heard to those who have the power to grant that release.

    February 8, 2008 at 4:39 am
  8. Ouderkirk said,


    My first introduction to the plight of William Hetherington was made by Phyllis Schlafly about two years ago in a column she wrote. It was illuminating to say the least.

    Hetherington was railroaded into jail and denied his rights, repeatedly all for a show that spousal rape would not be tolerated and he was to be "the example".

    Hetherington made the classic mistake of thinking that a reconciliation with his estranged wife was possible. He needed to wait until he had moved back into the family home before he had sex with her. It was a trap that was set and in his desperation to save his life and family, he took the bait.

    I do not know if Will Hetherington will ever get out of jail alive. He continues to refuse to admit that he did anything wrong, which is what the parole board wants. And he did do something wrong… he believed an unfaithful wife and it has cost him his life in a figurative sense. When he leaves jail at the conclusion of his 30 year sentence he will literally have nothing.

    Keep up the good work.

    Consider for a moment

    Persident Hillary
    Speaker Pelosi
    Majority Leader Feinstein.

    The vaginocracy that will institute a new Jim Crow against men….

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