Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Liberties of Female Violence

Liberties of Female Violence
Link to article

Excerpt below:

The hypocrisy at work here would be hilarious if it wasn't so real. Code Pink is not only a feminine anti-war protest group, but also a group that supports a woman's right to an abortion. Just as recently as last month, members of Code Pink joined other women's rights organizations in our nation's capital to celebrate and defend a woman's right to kill her unborn fetus.

I find it amazing how Berkeley, feminist, women, and society in general view female violence upon innocent lives differently from that of similar male violence. Men's wars are viewed as testosterone driven violence, foolish in its ideology, in its conception, in its implementation, and appalling in its consequences. The innocent lives lost in these wars are labeled terrible tragedies. However, men's wars cannot begin to equal the body count per year of the innocent, defenseless lives lost through the estrogen driven "liberty" of abortion.

Since the Iraq war began, it is estimated that 1.7 million people have lost their lives. This includes coalition forces and civilians (And I'm even being really nice here because I used stats from an anti-war organization - giving the advantage to the anti-war protesters). However, in that same time period, the estrogen fueled abortion machine killed almost 7 million innocent lives - in the U.S. alone!

So where is the outrage in Berkeley and elsewhere over the tragic lose of these innocent lives? There are a handful of abortion clinics in and around Berkeley, but not one city council member body is sticking his or her neck out to give anti-abortion protesters free parking spaces, permits, and other beneficial protesting tools to eradicate the senseless killing of these helpless lives. And how does Code Pink get away with such hypocrisy?

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