The example the police cited that led to the change in procedure is the case of "a man who claimed he was robbed by two unknown females, who he said demanded his vehicle at gunpoint." Originally, according to the news account, "police called it a case of aggravated robbery. But after further investigation, the suspect told officers he was actually picking up prostitutes."
Under the new policy, police won't automatically label such an incident a "robbery" but "they'll call it an investigation of a crime and the alleged victim will be required to come in and talk with a detective."
The lone exceptions to this new procedure are mentioned in the very last sentence of the story. They are not very difficult to guess: rape and domestic violence.
Now tell me, what is the difference between a rape or domestic violence claim and the example given by police, above, that involved a garden-variety "he said-she said" robbery claim? The police touted that false robbery claim as an example of why they are tightening their procedures.
Let me see: could the difference be the gender of the typical claimant? After all, despite the fact that men in significant numbers are victims of rape and domestic violence, it is women who report the vast majority of alleged rapes and domestic violence incidents to police.
Could it be that even suggesting that women sometimes lie about rape or domestic violence is politically verboten (at least so long as women are accusing a male and not recanting a claim that accused a male)? Could it be that adopting a policy that either such claim requires further investigation before they could be declared a "crime" would subject the police department to angry protests?
It is ironic that the police are tightening their procedures with respect to every alleged crime except the two where false accusations are most rampant -- and most destructive to one, and only one, class of citizens: males.
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