Men certainly create their share of problems in marriages, but I believe that a significant percentage of divorces are caused by some women's hypercritical nature. In my co-authored Chicago Tribune column Men Blamed for Marriage Decline but Women's Relationship Wounds Often Self-Inflicted (1/21/07) I wrote:
"To what, then, do we attribute women's discontent with marriage and relationships, and the fact that they initiate the vast majority of divorces? A new Woman's Day magazine poll found that 56% of married women would not or might not marry their husbands if they could choose again--why?
"Nobody would dispute that, in selecting a mate, women are more discerning than men. This is an evolutionary necessity--a woman must carefully evaluate who is likely to remain loyal to her and protect and provide for her and her children. If a man and a woman go on a blind date and don't hit it off, the man will shrug and say 'it went OK.' The woman will give five reasons why he's not right for her.
"A woman's discerning, critical nature doesn't disappear on her wedding day. Most marital problems and marriage counseling sessions revolve around why the wife is unhappy with her husband, even though they could just as easily be about why the husband is unhappy with the wife. In this common pre-divorce scenario there are only two possibilities-either she's a great wife and he's a lousy husband, or she's far more critical of him than he is of her. Usually it's the latter...
"Yes, there are some men who make poor mates, but not nearly enough to account for the divorce epidemic and the decline of marriage. While it's easy and popular to blame men, many of the wounds women bear from failed relationships and loneliness are self-inflicted."
1 comment:
Robert Stevens said,
If I have said it once I've said it a million times. Women today are socially.legally and morally irresponsible. The reason for this is very simple, the state, ie the government wants more power. It get this power by supporting what amounts to a rebellion by the women.
They foolishly tell women, they don't need men( stiffled laugh), they can raise children all by themselves, provided they steal enough money and resources from the men who are the fathers and lastly they can do anything a man can do.( ok I am going nuts trying not to laugh, )
And yes I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too !If one day women were forced to "grow up" socially, legally and morally, the problems cause by such behavior would go away. So would the need for the state to stick it's big nose in our business. All those government tyrants would have to get a real job, assuming they are not jailed and put on trial for high treason against fathers and men. And also assuming we still have a society left at all!
To sum it up , the crazy ideas of the feminist and the "Great Failed Social Engineering Experiment" shoved down our throats by the government thugs will all fail and be gone. And so will those who backed this foolishness.
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