Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fairness is a Disease

Great article from Mens News Daily


An excerpt I like:

"Imagine two people walking down a street. A white guy with a shirt that says, “White Power" and a black man that has shirt that says “Black Power". For the last half century, we’ve been told (trained, in some cases) to look at the white man’s shirt and deride him for his ethnic hatred. Yet, when we turn to the black man, we are told (trained) to congratulate him on his progressive ethnic pride in his culture (“black culture", another broad, monolithic idea). How is THAT not racism? Hate whites for being proud of their race while encouraging blacks to be proud of theirs? That isn't equality, that’s overcompensation. That’s anti-intellectualism. That’s anti-American. Period."

I feel the same way about Straight/Homosexual

When a homosexual wears a Gay Pride shirt thats empowering and positive. When I want to wear the Straight Pride shirt I had printed my friends say it would be antaganistic and cruel.

Why is that?

I liked an answer I received to my question:

The "pride" motif is a reaction to an earlier state of shame. Eg., gay people hold a right to special "pride" in order to publicly rebuke the notion that they should have a stigma over being gay. Likewise for ethnic pride.

Since "white/straight" is already considered normative, expression of such pride does not function to erase any particular historical shame or stigma. (At least that is the theory - tho in fact the shaming of white/straight men is pervasive.)

IMO expressions of identity-pride are a pep-pill for people who feel like outsiders and who want to change the definition of "normative" to fit their own racial/ethnic/social/sexual identity.

I don't think "special pride" movements are anything to aspire to.