Wednesday, June 25, 2008

No Fathers’ Day Cards Allowed in Scotland

The Sunday Times of London reports that large numbers of school children in Scotland were prohibited from making Father's Day cards a couple weeks ago in this article. School officials claim they didn't want to embarrass students who come from single mother and lesbian households.

Is this simply another episode of "political correctness run amok?" Is it yet another example of public education systems trumpeting self-esteem above all else?

According to the Times, Mother's Day cards were not generally restricted, even though not all children have mothers. But Father's Day cards were banned for thousands of kids in cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow.

We think the explanation is simple: fathers are held in such low regard that no issue is too small to merit throwing fathers under the bus. Is this how low the bar has sunk for cutting dads out of the picture?

The reasons given for the Scottish prohibition are pretty flimsy when you stop to think about them. To state the obvious...

Continue reading here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tricked 'fathers' may get bill's help

By Jason Cato

Michael Lautar was devastated when he learned his first wife was cheating on him, and then crushed to discover the then 5-year-old girl who called him "Daddy" wasn't really his daughter.

Next came the sucker punch.

Lautar is under court order to pay nearly $800 a month in child support and other expenses, despite the fact his ex-wife has admitted in Allegheny County court papers that Lautar is not the girl's father. The child was born during their marriage. After the couple divorced, the mother married the girl's biological father. The mother, the father and the daughter live together in Moon, according to papers filed in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court.

"I'm stuck in this rip-off, this fraud," said Lautar, 40, of North Strabane. "It's paternity fraud, is what it is. ... And the state is enforcing this fraud."

Attorney David Hanna of Aliquippa, who represents Lautar's ex-wife, declined to comment, and she could not be reached.

State Sen. John Wozniak, a Democrat from Johnstown, plans to introduce a bill next week intended to help men who claim to have been tricked into believing they are fathers. Wozniak's bill would require DNA tests in any case where paternity is an issue for a child born in wedlock and if the child is not yet 5 years old.

"If you haven't figured it out by then, you're probably not going to figure it out," Wozniak said.

Modern technology should be used as a tool to help courts determine who is the biological father -- and who isn't, Wozniak said.

"Everybody is pro-family, but there are circumstances out there that are not fair," he said.

Either party or the court could order the tests under Wozniak's bill, and the court would determine whether one of the parties or the county would be responsible for paying the cost.

Allegheny County judges last year ordered nearly 2,800 paternity tests, according to Family Court records. Only a small percentage of those cases involved children born to married couples. Each test costs $210, which is charged to the man if he is found to be the father and to the county if he is not.

About a dozen states have amended laws concerning paternity.

Pennsylvania relies on a centuries-old English common law doctrine where a husband is presumed to be the father when a child is born into a marriage. In court filings, Lautar's ex-wife used that argument to convince Judge David Wecht to continue child support payments. State courts often rely on that presumption to trump DNA testing.

State law prohibits men from rescinding parental rights if they have acted as a child's father. Courts routinely have ruled it is not in "the best interest of the child" to suspend child support payments unless the man was fraudulently duped into believing he was the father.

"Nowhere in the law is there the best interest of the child," Lautar said. "The truth is the best interest."

Lautar said he has scientific proof that he did not father the girl, now 10, but said judges repeatedly refused to accept it as evidence.

His lawsuit to stop paying child support is on appeal to Superior Court, which last year ruled in favor of a father in a similar situation.

Dr. Mark Hudson of Finleyville is entitled to a paternity test to help him prove he is not the biological father of a 13-year-old boy his former wife conceived in an extramarital affair, the court ordered. Hudson is under court order to pay $2,800 a month in child support for two children, only one of whom he claims he fathered.

"Overall, this issue isn't raised often, but it is raised," said Dan Richard, director of the state Bureau of Child Support. "Nationally, this is a fairly hot topic."

Lautar said he has no plan to abandon the girl who spent Father's Day with him. He and his new wife fought for and won visitation rights.

But he resents being forced to financially support another man's daughter.

"We're having trouble starting our own family because they're stealing our money," Lautar said. "This woman and man are committing fraud, and the court is supporting it."

The White Male Vote

The White Male Vote by Carey Roberts


The 16-month Hillary-palooza has finally gone bust. Her website bravely instructs us to “Support Senator Obama Today.” Mrs. Clinton’s staff has been pared down to a skeleton crew. And she’s finally getting around to paying off the health insurance bills.

But Hillary’s campaign wasn’t a presidential nomination effort in the usual sense. It was a massive exercise in feminist consciousness-raising foisted on an unsuspecting American public.

Take Clinton’s June 7 concession speech that was billed as an endorsement of rival Barack Obama. In reality it was a neo-Marxist rant lightly disguised as a feminist pep talk.

Hillary regurgitated her demand that women receive “equal pay” — slyly omitting the words “even though they choose to work fewer hours at jobs that are less likely to maim and kill.” Mrs. Clinton also saw fit to blame her defeat on “unconscious” sex biases that had created the “highest, hardest glass ceiling.”

That hard-edged rhetoric is one of the reasons why Hillary lost the race.

After she conceded the race, the true-believers in the feminist Nirvana came out to genuflect at Mrs. Clinton’s altar, lauding how her campaign had shattered gender myths and barriers. But in truth, Mrs. Clinton only crystallized the worst stereotypes about the Sisterhood:

1. Feminists are devious. Long-time Clinton confidante Dick Morris once wrote, “Bill lies about sex, Hillary lies about everything.” From her fairytale that “women were routinely excluded from major clinical trials” to the bullets-in-Bosnia brouhaha, Hillary Clinton has a nearly congenital tendency to disregard the truth.

2. Feminists love to blame men. When her defeat became undeniable, Hillary cast about for explanations, eventually deriding the nation’s alleged epidemic of sexism as “deeply offensive to millions of women.” But what about Hillary’s sexist caricatures of men?

3. Feminists don’t accept responsibility for their failures. How many times do you remember Mrs. Clinton saying, “I’m sorry” over the past year and a half? If you scan Hillary’s June 8 endorsement speech, she never hints at the many miscalculations and missteps of her campaign.

4. Feminists are arrogant. Recall Hillary’s famous promise, “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good”? Remember the aura of inevitability that she exuded during the early months of her campaign?

5. Feminists are self-possessed narcissists. As a college student, Hillary once confided that she had “not yet reconciled myself to the fate of not being the star,” adding that as a child she used to “pretend there were heavenly movie cameras watching my every move.” Does anyone doubt that Hillary believes her rightful place in the world is at the center of the universe?

6. Feminists can become very abusive. I have previously documented Hillary’s foul ways: . On the day that Bill was inaugurated as President, Hillary was informed she wouldn’t be moving into the vice-president’s office, prompting this rebuke: “G*d d*mn it, Bill, you promised me that office!”

Once again, Hillary didn’t get her way. Heaven help us from a candidate scorned.

Woman has sex with student, 15, plus 7 friends

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Julie Pritchett, 34

A female special education teacher and sponsor of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club at a middle school in Alabama has been charged with having sex with at least eight high school students between the ages of 15 and 19.

Julie Pritchett, 34, is facing two counts of second-degree sodomy and one count of second-degree sexual abuse of two boys younger than 16 years old, the Birmingham News reported. The incidents allegedly took place between February and April.

Pritchett is not facing additional charges for having sex with the other six boys because the remaining incidents involved students who are now of consenting age or who have reportedly refused to cooperate with the investigation.

Pritchett is just the latest instructor to make WND's BIG LIST of American teachers accused or convicted of having sexual relations with students.

Jefferson County sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Randy Christian said there could be more than eight students who had sexual relationships with the former Clay-Chalkville Middle school teacher.

"It takes such a long time and so much effort to become a teacher," Christian said. "It is very difficult to understand that someone would waste all of that by such actions. It sounds like she has some serious issues to work through, but that will never excuse what she has done."

The sheriff's department released a statement saying, "Phone records were subpoenaed and support the statements of the victims and witnesses. When the news media reported that a teacher was under investigation, Julie Pritchett changed her phone number, shut down her MySpace account and resigned from her teaching position where she was a tenured teacher."

A parent called the sheriff's department May 2 and complained that his son was being sexually abused by a teacher. Jefferson County school board lawyer Burgin Kent said the board placed Pritchett on leave, began its own investigation and notified authorities following reports of the abuse.

"It was an unfortunate situation," Kent said.

Pritchett sponsored hostesses for the Clay-Chalkville High School baseball team, called the Diamond Dolls. While she held the position, she became reacquainted with some of her former students who were active in the sports program. Christian said Pritchett then began having sex with a 15-year-old boy, and later had sex with at least seven of his friends. All of the incidents were initiated by the former teacher and several happened on school grounds. Other sex acts took place at victims' homes.

Pritchett surrendered in May and was released on bonds totaling $60,000.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cafeteria of Endless Options

The following are a few excerpts from an excellent article by Marc Rudov.

"The Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973 tells us that abortion is unilaterally a woman’s choice. She, and she alone, has the power and authority over her body and her baby. In other words, the man is irrelevant. OK. Does that not mean she has total responsibility as well? Logic says yes. But wait, there’s more. If she carries her baby to term but then doesn’t want it, laws allow her to drop it off at the local fire station — no questions asked — or put it up for adoption. The unlucky “sperm owner” has little power to protest her actions. But, once she decides to keep that baby, the sperm owner — actually, his wallet — is immediately relevant and responsible. Yes, for a woman, life is a cafeteria of endless options."

In the US, an average 40% of babies are born to unwed mothers. In England, the average is above 50%. Why? Two reasons. First, Hollywood makes movies like Juno and Knocked Up that glamorize teen pregnancy; a constant stream of unwed Hollywood actresses inappropriately “announce” their pregnancies and “show off” their baby bumps. Second, unwed mothers are eligible for welfare or child support: get cash for your kids. Neither was the case 50 years ago, when out-of-wedlock births were extremely rare and universally condemned. There is no doubt that, if welfare and child support for unwed mothers were outlawed, the out-of-wedlock birthrate would plummet.

Paternity fraud, a scheme in which a mother falsely tags a man as the father of her child, is rampant in the US. New Hampshire found that as many as 30 percent of men paying child support were, indeed, not the biological fathers of the children being supported. How could this happen if women are helpless victims and men irresponsible low-lifes? Mandatory DNA testing for all newborns would: 1) end paternity fraud, 2) virtually empty the family courts, and 3) slash judicial and child-support-infrastructure budgets — overnight.

"Even though a sperm must unite with an egg to create a fertilized embryo, at the end of the day, a woman is the goalie of her uterus: she decides whether a puck gets in, which puck gets in, and whether the puck stays in. Anyone who disagrees with this cannot become a US Supreme Court justice."

"Unmarried mothers must stop complaining that sperm owners aren’t committed fathers. Here’s a rule of thumb for every unmarried woman: if you have no wedding ring on your finger, assume the man with whom you’re having sex will not hang around post-childbirth. Let that sink in the next time you roll the dice with an innocent child’s future."

"Women have 20 methods of birth control from which to choose, according to Planned Parenthood. Women must stop passing the puck to men. Either men are equally responsible for pregnancy or they’re not. If they are, give them an equal say in all decisions about abortion, adoption, and custody. Otherwise, all unwed mothers should be totally responsible — logistically and financially — for raising their children."

"Until we mandate nationwide DNA testing for all newborns, any woman who perpetrates a maternity or paternity fraud on a man must be prosecuted, obligated to compensate him for emotional distress, and required to refund all his support money, plus interest."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hail the Male

The following is an excellent interview with NRO editor Kathryn Jean Lopez and columnist Kathleen Parker. Kathleen is truly one of mens best friends and supporters.

Hail the Male

Fathers, sons, and ghosts of feminism past.

It’s Father’s Day this weekend, in a land where men are underappreciated, disrespected, and under attack. Kathleen Parker is here to save them, with her cultural wakeup call, Save the Males: Why Men Matter. Why Women Should Care. She recently took questions on her new book from NRO editor Kathryn Jean Lopez.

Kathryn Jean Lopez: Well count me among those who think men matter. Why do they need saving though? Don’t they usually do the rescue missions?

Kathleen Parker: Men are, indeed, excellent rescuers. We like that about men. In fact, Western men rescued women once upon a time from their status as pack mules. As my friend Matt Labash might say, I like to call that Western Civilization. Men also created the big-idea documents that ultimately resulted in women’s suffrage and equality under the law. Women have demonstrated their gratitude by reaching the summit and basically pulling the ladder up behind them. “See ya, guys. You’re on your own now. Oh, and we’re taking the kids.”

uring the last 30 years or so, as feminism has reached most of the goals of equality (except of course for that coveted membership in the Augusta National Golf Club), women have become hostile toward men and maleness in what seems to be a spirit of retributive justice. Our boys will now pay for all the sins committed by the worst men throughout history. That hardly seems fair — and we know that feminism only aims to be fair, right? STM aims to shine a light on all the ways our culture degrades and disrespects males and suggests that women might drop their torches and pitchforks for the sake of sanity and the little ones.

Lopez: Why would anyone ever believe that men turn abusers while watching football?

Parker: We are fairly willing to believe anything about men as long as it’s bad. “Women good, Men bad” is the title of the first chapter. The football-abuser connection is a handy metaphor for the anti-male zeitgeist. The meme was set loose in 1993 when a coalition of women’s groups issued a news release declaring that domestic violence spikes during Super Bowl Sunday. That would be because men slurping beer and watching men pound each other while scantily clad women vault around the sidelines turns ordinary men into the beasts they really are. Or so the myth-making machinery would have us believe.

The media of course jumped on the women’s release because it confirmed what an anti-patriarchal world needs to believe. Except it wasn’t true. Ken Ringle of the Washington Post actually fact-checked the claim and found that it was a misinterpretation of a study that found nothing like that. Nevertheless, first impressions are hard to shed and it’s been difficult to talk rationally about domestic violence ever since. The Duke lacrosse fiasco was the full-flowering of the “men-bad” seed.

Lopez: Is feminism necessarily the enemy of men?

Parker: The short answer is “no,” but a longer answer requires that we define feminism. For those who missed their women’s studies classes, the first wave got women the vote; second wave got them jobs and divorces; third wave made them porn stars. I’ve always said that any woman with a checkbook is a feminist, but feminism has morphed from being pro-woman to anti-male. What we need is a fourth wave — a new “reasonable” feminism.

Lopez: What is “reasonable feminism”?

Parker: Reasonable women are just like reasonable men. They want to make adult choices independent of external authority; they want to choose their work and be paid fairly; they do not presume that men and women are interchangeable in all ways because they are not morons. Certain differences between men and women make absolute equality not only implausible, but undesirable.

Unreasonable feminism doesn’t believe this. Radical feminists, which are those to whom I refer whenever I speak of feminists, believe that men and women are essentially the same and that any differences are the result of social engineering. There’s so much science now refuting this idea, not to mention thousands of years of accumulated wisdom, that it’s really incomprehensible that we’re still debating it. Anyone who spends an hour on a playground knows that male and female are different. When these differences benefit the female of the species, of course, we celebrate them. When they seem to benefit the male, we try to figure out a way to reconfigure the landscape.

Lopez: Can feminism really be remade or is the f-word too tainted?

Parker: Personally, I’m opposed to -ism and -ology. I agree with Walker Percy that we should repent of labels and I’m happy to retire feminism. Nevertheless, a more honest, serious feminism has important work in other parts of the world. Here in the U.S., I’d say we’re in the fine-tuning stage. When we’re debating golf-club memberships, the house that feminism built is fully furnished. We’re doing dust ruffles at this point. I’d like to see feminism focus on helping women who have to worry about being stoned by their sons for daring to speak to an unrelated man.

Lopez: What does it mean to “let men be men” and “boys be boys”?

Parker: It simply means to acknowledge that men are not women and boys are not girls. Boys and girls are hard-wired differently, which one notices as soon as the little critters become mobile. Although there are exceptions, girls can sit and focus for long periods and boys need to move around more. In fact, brain research shows that multitasking stimulates the pleasure center of women’s brains, hence 42 years of NOW. The men’s movement has been in gestation for 15 years and hasn’t begun to quicken yet. Ultimately, letting men be men means not insisting that they be our best girlfriends.

Lopez: How are we rewarding the feminized male?

Parker: With a brand new washing machine! Barry, come on down! Seriously, guys are now expected to be as good as women at everything. It’s not enough to bring home the bacon. A real man has to also be able to whip up a soufflĂ©, know where to get the best pedicure, and be able to identify a Manolo. If a man reading this has no idea what I’m talking about, he’s the man for me. Look, I like a man who cooks. My father cooked in our house and his nails were tidy. But really. When Fortune Magazine features a trophy husband on the cover of a man wearing an apron and beaming virtue from every pore, we might have gone too far in domesticating men.

Lopez: Has Too Much Information killed the males?

Parker: It may not have killed them, but it may have sent them to their rooms to seek companionship from virtual, rather than real, women.

Lopez: Did Our Bodies, Ourselves destroy the world?

Parker: If you’ve seen a copy, you wouldn’t have to ask.

Lopez: Why should women be mysterious?

Parker: Because mystery is a woman’s best friend — as are pink lightbulbs.

Lopez: Are you afraid you’re going to have to say “The Vagina Diatribes and the Sacred Clitorati” — one of your chapter titles — on the air?

Parker: Yes.

Lopez: What accounts for the cultural penetration (sorry!) of the Vagina Monologues? How did decent people not stop this nonsense from being everywhere from Broadway to the University of Notre Dame?

Parker: The monologues are like other people’s children — interesting for the first five minutes. But once you’ve shouted the c-word in public, it’s done. There’s nowhere else to go with it — unless you’re five. Then you can say it again and again and collapse in giggles the way little boys do when they say really bad words such as “poop.” Women gathering to reclaim the C-word, chanting it loudly, is one of the stranger developments in feminist history. Now that we’ve reclaimed it, can we give it back?

Decent people didn’t stop the nonsense because Eve Ensler is a marketing genius. She tied her creation to serious work for women who seriously need it, donating millions to combat domestic violence and liberating women in oppressive countries. Very smart and commendable. Once the VM were viewed as attached to women’s noble causes, who would dare complain except a misogynist thug?

Lopez: Why do we need to save men from porn and how can we?

Parker: Because we’re buzz-killers? Men don’t want to be saved from porn, I’m pretty sure. But then alcoholics don’t want to be saved from alcohol (I know I don’t), nor do drug addicts. You get the idea. But when something you do for fun and frolic causes you problems in your real life, then whateveritis is a problem. Porn is causing big problems in relationships. Men increasingly aren’t interested in real women, who are viewed as bad dates. Women are increasingly hurt and intimidated by expectations they can’t meet and often don’t want to. Casual users of “tamer” stuff may not see the need to stop the flow of good feelings, but there’s cause for concern. The trend in porn is toward increasingly violent expressions of human intercourse, so to speak. The association of sex with violence and the extreme objectification of women can’t be helpful to men’s humanity. I happen to be one of those women who think men are capable of rising above their basest instincts.

Lopez: You write that “The ultimate act of emasculation is, of course, the elimination of man’s central role as father.” Have we done that??

Parker: Absolutely. Fatherhood has been increasingly diminished the past few decades. We applaud single motherhood, celebrate sperm shopping as though searching out that perfect pair of Kate Spades and otherwise treat fathers as optional accessories. All of this has been helped by mass media messages that men are buffoons or pedophiles and by a family court system that often treats men as visitors to their children’s lives. Lopez: How did “shame attached to unwed motherhood serve a useful purpose once upon a time”?

Parker: It kept our knees together. Importantly, it allowed girls to hang onto their innocence a little longer until they really were women. Boys, too. I mean, boys could remain innocent, not become women.

Lopez: How are you not dishonoring the service of women in Iraq and Afghanistan right now by arguing women are different than men in the military?

Parker: Well, by insisting that that’s not my intent. Women serving in war are my heroes. I just don’t want to see them — and the men who are with them — be sacrificed on the altar of misplaced feminist ambition. We’ve confused the ability to die with the ability to fight. Women have no place in combat for a variety of reasons — physical and psychological — but you’ll have to read the book to get the whole picture. The crux is that combat is not being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It has a specific definition, which is to actively and aggressively engage the enemy with the expectation of physical contact. Putting women in that circumstance, mano-a-mano with enemy men, is counter-intuitive on its face. My argument is principally a feminist position: Women do not have an equal opportunity to survive.

Lopez: Is this a debate we can even have at a time of war?

Parker: It’s not a comfortable debate, obviously. But only now are we in a position to ask these questions. No previous war has involved so many women so close to combat. I think we have a moral obligation to our men, our women, and to our society to question where we’re heading. What kind of culture do we want to deed to future generations? If trends continue, you can be sure that “choice” will soon become no-choice for women. If you insist that those women who want to go into combat ought to be able to based on some notion that the military involves “rights,” then some smart guy is going to ask why only women have that option. Once the combat exclusion for women is eliminated, then there will be no rational argument for excluding women from the draft should it ever been applied again. Drafting 18-year-old girls to do battle with grizzly men is a nightmare scenario, not the conscious act of a civilized nation.

Lopez: You use the word “oleaginous.” Buckley School show-off?

Parker: How can one not use the word “oleaginous” — especially when talking about soliloquies to one’s vagina?

Lopez: You and I have a mutual friend who talks about “men who love women.” After the portrait you paint of the way women treat men, what man in his right mind would ever want to have anything to do with women?

Parker: The kind who knows our mutual friend. It helps that she loves men. As do we, Kathryn.

Lopez: On page 79 of your book, you write that “every little thing is not a gender issue.” Did anyone try to tell Hillary Clinton that?

Parker: We can guess her husband never did.

Why I'm Against Feminism

I'm against feminism because I'm against discrimination against men and women, and feminism is, far too often, a big whine for special treatment under the guise of equal treatment. It's also, very often, a cover for man-hating; for example, Diana Russell's contention that "a considerable amount of marital sex is probably closer to the rape end of the continuum."

If you're a lesbian, fine. If you're going to paint heterosexual sex as a criminal act by a man most of the time, you're scum, and anybody who's for justice, fairness and equality, should stand up against you.

Wait: Do we hear even a squeak against Diana Russell from the feminists? The feminists of color, the White-Out-colored feminists? Anybody?

Nope. Because feminism is about promoting injustice not stopping it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Same Sex Marriage is a Feminist Power Play

Great quote from David R. Usher:

"Remember that SSM is a feminist power play. NOW has been funding and handling the legal assualts, with occasional gay men propped up to make it look egalitarian.

NOW’s idea is to have women fill both marital slots, so they can have all the children they want with as many different studs as they care to sleep with, and collect a huge load of child support for every child. These “marriages” are a business arrangement, a predatory feminist shack-up based on power and distrust of pesky men.

This leaves men with no place in society. When everything is “for the children” and those children are chattel of women, the future of America is all too predictable."

So if everything is for "the children", and children belong to women then the future belongs to women and men have no place or power. This is the goal of radical feminists and NOW.

Police arrest lesbians for 'torturing' boy, 5

Police arrest lesbians for 'torturing' boy, 5
Forced him to put his hands on hot stove, burned his body, genitals with cigarettes

A 5-year-old Los Angeles boy is fighting for his life after police say he was severely tortured with burns and food deprivation by his lesbian mother and her live-in girlfriend.

Officials say the child has countless cigarette burns all over his body, including his genitals, and can't open his hands because he was forced to put them flat on a hot stove.

The boy was also repeatedly beaten and forced to sit in his own urine, police said.

"In my time in policing in 27 years, I have never seen anybody with these kinds of injuries that has lived," Los Angeles Police Department First Assistant Chief James McDonnell said. "And this kid must have a tremendous will to live to be able to still hang on despite what he's been through."

The abuse was "akin to a level of torture we hope our military personnel would never encounter," said Lt. Vincent Neglia of the LAPD's Abused Child Unit.

Other abuse the boy suffered included being denied food and water, as well as being beaten while suspended from a door with his hands above his head.

He also had a broken tooth with a nerve exposed.

Article here

Friday, June 13, 2008

When I Was a Boy, America Was a Better Place

When I Was a Boy, America Was a Better Place By Dennis Prager


The day the O.J. Simpson verdict was announced, I said to my then-teenage son, "David, please forgive me. I am handing over to you a worse America than my father handed over to me."

Unfortunately, I still feel this way.

When I was a boy, America was a freer society than it is today. If Americans had been told the extent and number of laws that would govern their speech and behavior within one generation, they would have been certain that they were being told about some dictatorship, not the Land of the Free. Today, people at work, to cite but one example, are far less free to speak naturally. Every word, gesture and look, even one's illustrated calendar, is now monitored lest a fellow employee feel offended and bring charges of sexual harassment or creating a "hostile work environment" or being racially, religiously or ethnically insensitive, or insensitive to another's sexual orientation.

Meanwhile, all employers in California are now prohibited by law from firing a man who has decided to cross-dress at work. And needless to say, no fellow worker can say to that man, "Hey, Jack, why not wear the dress at home and men's clothes to work?" An employer interviewing a prospective employee is not free to ask the most natural human questions: Are you married? Do you have a child? How old are you? Soon "How are you?" will be banned lest one discriminate on the basis of health.

When I was boy, what people did at home was not their employer's business. Today, companies and city governments refuse to hire, and may fire, workers no matter how competent or healthy, who smoke in their homes. Sarasota, Fla., the latest city to invade people's private lives, would not hire Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy if they applied for a job.

When I was a 7-year-old boy, I flew alone from New York to my aunt and uncle in Miami and did the same thing coming back to New York. I boarded the plane on my own and got off the plane on my own. No papers for my parents to fill out. No extra fee to pay the airline. I was responsible for myself. Had I run away or been kidnapped, no one would have sued the airline. Today, fear of lawsuits is a dominant fact of American life.

When I was a boy, I ran after girls during recess, played dodgeball, climbed monkey bars and sat on seesaws. Today, more and more schools have no recess; have canceled dodgeball lest someone feel bad about being removed from the game; and call the police in to interrogate, even sometimes arrest, elementary school boys who playfully touch a girl. And monkey bars and seesaws are largely gone, for fear of lawsuits should a child be injured.

When I was boy, I was surrounded by adult men. Today, most American boys (and girls, of course) come into contact with no adult man all day every school day. Their teachers and school principals are all likely to be women. And if, as is often the case, there is no father at home (not solely because of divorce but because "family" courts have allowed many divorced mothers to remove fathers from their children's lives), boys almost never come into contact with the most important group of people in a boy's life -- adult men. The contemporary absence of men in boys' lives is not only unprecedented in American history; it is probably unprecedented in recorded history.

When I was a boy, we had in our lives adults who took pride in being adults. To distinguish them from our peers, we called these adults "Mr.," "Mrs." and "Miss," or by their titles, "Doctor," "Pastor," "Rabbi," "Father." It was good for us, and we liked it. Having adults proud of their adulthood, and not acting like they were still kids, gave us security (as well as something to look forward to in growing up). Today, kids are surrounded by peers twice, three, four times their age.

Article here

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best by Carey Roberts

Father Knows Best was one of the most widely-viewed and long-running TV shows of the 1950s. True, the program played to a romanticized image of middle-class Americana. But that beats the modern-day alternative of a raging epidemic of sexually-transmitted diseases, safe havens for abandoned infants, and 11-year-old girls wearing thong underwear.

Father Knows Best was yanked from the air in 1960. Before long the popular discourse was filled with the now-familiar litany of feminist grievance.

The women’s libbers were especially troubled with the notion of the traditional family. Arch-feminist Simone de Beauvoir argued, “No woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children … precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”

Robin Morgan, former editor of Ms. Magazine, chillingly predicted, “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.” And Andrea Dworkin compared marriage to legalized prostitution.

Most laughed at the hyperbole. But the hairy-legged hags were dead serious.

Exactly how do you go about destroying the family which is, after all, the primordial unit of society? The best tactic, they decided, would be to go after the provider and protector image of Dear Old Dad.

Homer Simpson became emblematic of the well-intentioned but inept father. “Patriarchal” was inverted into an epithet synonymous with the mistreatment of women. “Paternalistic” was nearly as bad.

Media accounts began to tar men as wife-beaters, deadbeats, child abusers, clods, and all-around dufuses. Every one of those stereotypes was false or highly exaggerated, but no matter. As author Warren Farrell quipped, “father knows best” turned into “fathers molest.”

Since men weren’t up to the task, the government would need to step in, the Lefties argued. A series of legal opinions, laws, and government programs came along, all claiming to “empower” women: Roe v. Wade, Violence Against Women Act, welfare programs, maternal custody preference, draconian child support programs, and more.

If removing flocks of children from their fathers is your yardstick, these programs were successful beyond belief. From 1960 to 1990, says the Census Bureau, the number of American children living with their biological fathers plunged from 82% to 62%. As columnist Dennis Prager recently wrote, “The contemporary absence of men in boys’ lives is not only unprecedented in American history; it is probably unprecedented in recorded history.”

These fatherless children are far more likely to be poor, to use drugs, to experience a range of educational and behavioral problems, to be victims of child abuse, and to engage in criminal behavior.

But at least they’re liberated from the baleful influence of their fathers!

Fortunately, family advocates saw where this was all headed and began to question the fem-think. Several groups are now coming to the rescue of daddy-hood (I’m including the web address if you want more information):

- This week the National Partnership for Community Leadership is holding a major conference in Washington DC to honor African-American dads:

- Next week the National Fatherhood Initiative will release a landmark report, “The One Hundred Billion Dollar Man: The Public Costs of Father Absence:”

- Fathers and Families has been working with the media to promote positive images of dads:

And several groups are working to increase father involvement after divorce:

- Marriage Savers has just come out in support of shared parenting, revealing that “of the six states that passed the strongest Joint Custody laws, five experienced the largest drops in the divorce rate.”

- The American Coalition for Fathers and Children is urging citizens to sign a petition that reminds us, “Children thrive with the active involvement of both parents”:

- And the Children’s Rights Council has succeeded in introducing a Congressional resolution in favor of joint custody:

True, frazzled fathers don’t always measure up to the iconic images of Father Knows Best. But on one point, these groups have hit the nail right on the head: a government program is a lousy substitute for a dad.

Why Men and Womwn are Lost in Translation

Amantha Brett of the Sydney Morning Herald ponders whether George Clooney was right to dump his jabbering girlfriend, because research shows that women really do talk too much.

A few excerpts:

* "You talk too much!" is apparently the reason bachelor of the moment George Clooney gave the world for dumping his waitress-turned-model girlfriend Sarah Larson. … If only we could keep our chit-chat under stricter control, perhaps the men wouldn't be scared away ..."

* “Scientists have often proved what we've long suspected - that women talk a whopping amount more than men chalking up 20,000 words a day while men utter just 7000.”

Friday, June 6, 2008

DID the S Word Domm Hillary's Nomination

Article by Carey Roberts


Everywhere I turn, liberal women have lapsed into a deep funk. Katie Couric turned the CBS Evening News into a therapy hour. Female columnists ask dark questions about the state of the national psyche. After all, this was the year women were destined to elect the first female president and make up for 200 years of patriarchal oppression.

In the liberal mind, every adversity and setback can be blamed on a conspiratorial presence. Be it global warming, racism, classism, or sexism, a dark miasmatic force always can be singled out.

For Hillary, sexism is the demon that requires a daily exorcism. In a May 20 interview with the Washington Post, Clinton hit the supposed sexism in media coverage of her campaign as “deeply offensive to millions of women.”

Former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro became so worked up over the issue that she has ponied up her own money for a full-blown study. As we know, Ferraro is an enlightened guru on racial tolerance, having revealed a few months ago that “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.”


THE WAR ON FATHERS: How the 'feminization of America' destroys boys, men – and women

The evidence of this almost unthinkable scenario is everywhere:

SCHOOL: In public school classrooms across America, in every category and every demographic group, boys are falling behind. Girls excel and move on to college, where three out of five students are female, while young boys – who don't naturally thrive when forced to sit still at a desk for six hours a day – are diagnosed by the millions with new diseases that didn't exist a generation ago. To make their behavior more acceptable, they are compelled to take hazardous psycho-stimulant drugs like Ritalin.

Boys are more than 50 percent more likely to repeat elementary school grades than girls, a third more likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to have a "learning disability." And the suicide rate among teen boys is far higher than that of girls.

"What we have done," explains Thomas Mortenson, senior scholar at the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education, "is we have a K-12 school system that seems to work relatively well for girls and does not work for a very large share of boys."

HOME: It's well known that roughly half of America's marriages end in divorce, but not nearly as well known that two out of three of those divorces are initiated by the wives. Moreover, America's family court system is scandalously biased in favor of the mother in child custody disputes. Fathers get custody of children in uncontested cases only 10 percent of the time and 15 percent of the time in contested cases. Meanwhile, mothers get sole custody 66 percent of the time in uncontested cases and 75 percent of the time in contested cases.

"Where you have minor children, there's really no such thing as no-fault divorce for fathers," says Detroit attorney Philip Holman, vice president of the National Congress for Fathers and Children. "On the practical level, fathers realize that divorce means they lose their kids."

Unfortunately, this loss by children of their fathers' influence is directly responsible – far more than any other cause – for the modern national scourges of gang life, crime and much more.

CULTURE: Fifty years ago, "Father knows best" was a hit TV show, in which insurance agent Jim Anderson (actor Robert Young) would come home from work each evening, trade his sport jacket for a nice, comfortable sweater, and then deal with the everyday growing-up problems of his family. He could always be counted on to resolve that week's crisis with a combination of kindness, fatherly strength and common sense.

Today, television virtually always portrays husbands as bumbling losers or contemptible, self-absorbed egomaniacs. Whether in dramas, comedies or commercials, the patriarchy is dead, at least on TV where men are fools – unless of course they're gay. On "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," the "fab five" are supremely knowledgeable on all things hip, their life's highest purpose being to help those less fortunate than themselves – that is, straight men – to become cool.

Maverick feminist Camille Paglia courageously reminds her men-hating colleagues, masculinity is "the most creative cultural force in history."

"The problem, is that misguided feminists, intent on advancing a radically different worldview than the one on which this nation was founded, have succeeded in fomenting a revolution. And that revolution amounts to a powerful and pervasive campaign against masculinity, maleness, boys, men and patriarchy."