Thursday, November 29, 2007
Quotes for Men
~ Women deserve only equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. ~
~ Men are not collectively "guilty" of anything. ~
~ Never needing to be pregnant is a blessing. ~
Only Women Can Stop False Rape Accusations
I'm getting really pissed off at the prevailing feminist attitude that all men are rapists waiting for just the right opportunity.
On the other hand, can you say...."Crystal Gail Mangum"?
So, in order that men may have their own bit of activism against false rape accusations - because, after all, all women are just waiting for an opportunity to level a false rape accusation against a man, right? - Male Samizdat offers the following.
- If a man is drunk, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is walking alone at night, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is drugged and unconscious, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is wearing shorts, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is in a bar at 11:00 p.m., don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man looks like one of your twelve ex-husbands, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is asleep in his bed, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is asleep in your bed, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man if fixing his car, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is in the hospital, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man changes his mind in the middle of or about a particular activity (like giving you money), don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man has repeatedly refused a certain activity (like giving you money), don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If a man is not a man, but a child, don't falsely accuse him of rape...or rape him (like many female schoolteachers these days).
- If a man is not in the mood to spend money or time on you, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If your step-son is watching TV, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If you break into a house and find a man there, don't falsely accuse him of rape.
- If your friend thinks it's okay to falsely accuse someone of rape, tell her its not, and that she's not your friend.
- If your "friend" tells you she falsely accused someone of rape, report her to the police.
- If your sorority-sister or another girl at a party tell you she is angry with a man and is going to falsely accuse him of rape, and you should too, don't do it, call the police and tell her she's a liar.
- Tell your daughters, god-daughters, nieces, granddaughters, daughters of friends it's not okay to falsely accuse someone of rape.
- Don't tell your male friends how to be safe and avoid false accusations of rape.
- Don't imply that it's in any way his fault.
- Don't imply that men have it coming to them and deserve it anyway.
- Don't let silence imply agreement when someone tells you she got away with a false rape report.
- Don't perpetuate a culture that tells you that you have every right to use the courts to destroy a man. You can, too, help yourself.
Society's Woman Good/Man Bad on Reproductive Issues

By Glenn Sacks
This editorial cartoon pretty well sums up society's "woman good/man bad" norm on reproductive issues. I expounded on this at greater length in my co-authored column Respect a Man's Choice, Too (8/1/06) for the left-wing website AlterNet. I wrote:
"....5 million American women legally walk away from motherhood every year through adoption, abortion or abandonment. In over 40 states mothers can completely opt out of motherhood by returning unwanted babies to the hospital shortly after birth. If men like [Choice for Men lawsuit plaintiff Matt] Dubay are deadbeats and deserters, what are these women?
See entire article
The Monstrous Regiment of Women
The Monstrous Regiment of Women, The Gunn Brother’s second documentary, goes all out to demolish the feminist worldview. From a consistently Christian perspective, they show how feminism has had a devastating impact on the church, state, and family.
Schlafly is interviewed, among others.
Winner! Best of Festival Santonio Independent Christian Film Festival
Longshot candidate from Texas, once an unknown, gains on GOP leaders and rakes in funds
"They were a lonely band of rebels until just a few weeks ago, backing the darkest of dark horse presidential candidates. But with Republican Rep. Ron Paul's fundraising on the rise - $4.2 million raised on the Internet in one day this month - and his poll numbers jumping, the Texas congressman might no longer be a "who?" but a potential problem for leading Republican presidential candidates in key states such as New Hampshire."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
By the way, I am all in favor of people doing whatever they want to THEIR OWN BODY. And by "own body" I mean anything with the EXACT SAME dna as you. Your body is all the same DNA.
I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I am pretty sure my DNA is different than my mom's DNA and her DNA is unique and different from yours. So under the "I can do whatever I want to MY OWN body" logic, by all means, do whatever you want to any part of YOUR body which is comprised of YOUR DNA.
The human fetus living, growing, breathing, thinking, pumping his or her own unique blood and dna throughout its tiny body, keep your hands off him or her, because that is most certainly NOT your body anymore than Evander Hollyfield's ear was part of Mike Tyson's body just because it was connected to, and within Tyson's person.
Another thing... how is this society so crooked that when someone calls a female basketball player nappy headed, the guy is fired and an entire community is up in arms about how "offended" they are, and society demands justice be served, but when thousands of human babies are discarded every day, life goes on ho hum?
Very Truly Yours,
Hollis Green
Equality and reproductive rights !!!
Women already have more rights than men!
How many women have died in Iraq vs men? Do they want equality there???
How many women died in the Utah mine? Do they want equality there???
The list goes on and on...........................
More money is spetn on breast cancer than prostate cancer even though more men die from prostate cancer than women do from breast cancer.
And reproductive rights
If a women becomes pregnant
the mother can have an abortion, drop the kid off (abandon), put up for adoption, keep the child.
the father has NO choice but to be a "wallet" for 18 years.
Support "Choice for Men" and Mens Rights
The Penis Monologues
By Denise Noe
The extraordinary success of Eve Ensler’s play, “The Vagina Monologues,” and the controversy around it, make this seem like an appropriate time for a “Penis Monologues.”
Certainly there is a rich source of material in the many conflicting feelings men have around their penises. One area of great conflict is, obviously, in the matter of size. Men whose penises are below average in size – or even quite average – often feel an extreme degree of self-consciousness about the dimensions of their members. This can be source of an agonizing sense of inferiority. Although a penis of just about any size can bring a woman (or another man) to orgasm, many people are not attracted to the more diminutive male organs and may actually express disdain for them, causing much psychic distress for the men who possess them. A man who says his member is about three inches in size has said there are practical problems caused by it with some sexual positions being simply impossible for him to perform or to perform with feeling for his partner.
While the vagina may always be entered and a woman can feign an arousal she does not feel, a limp penis gives the game away for men. Impotency can lead many men to feel inferior and frustrated as well as damaging their relationships or preventing them from forming relationships.
Although men can decide not to have sex however strongly aroused they are, the fact that their penises often become erect for partners men consider inappropriate as well as at inappropriate times is another source of anguish and emotional conflict.
What’s more, possessing a penis means one may be called to dangerous duties those lacking them need only undertake on their own initiative. Every young man who has received a draft notice knows that owning a penis means he may have to endanger his life, limb, and mental stability to serve his country. The men on board the Titanic were called on to sacrifice their lives on the basis of possessing penises so those without could survive.
“The Penis Monologues” could be an emotionally powerful classic.
Definition of a Feminist
Anybody who hates men,
Thinks all sex except lesbianism is rape,
Thinks the next best thing to an aborted baby is a fatherless child,
Thinks laws should be based solely on female emotions,
and gets billions in taxpayer money to promote this fascist agenda.
Feminism turned me into lesbian

Hetero woman: Feminism turned me into lesbian
'I'd had a very happy marriage and a very good relationship with men'
A 53-year-old university professor and campaigner for legalized same-sex marriage in the UK said she was once a married "happy heterosexual" who had no doubts about her sexual orientation, but political activity and involvement in feminist causes "changed" her into a lesbian.
Sue Wilkinson, professor of Feminist and Health Studies at Loughborough University, told the London Times that her 17-year marriage to her husband had been a good one.
But that changed in the mid-1980s when the young professor became involved with the British Psychological Society.
"I was never unsure about my sexuality throughout my teens or 20s. I was a happy heterosexual and had no doubts," said Wilkinson.
"Then I changed, through political activity and feminism, spending time with women's organizations. It opened my mind to the possibility of a lesbian identity."
Wilkinson divorced her husband and has lived with her partner, Prof. Celia Kitzinger of York University, for the past 17 years.
"I'd had a very happy marriage and a very good relationship with men," she said. "My husband took it very badly."
In 2003, the two women married in Vancouver, Canada, where same-sex unions are legal. A change in UK law in 2005 recognized their Canadian ceremony as a civil union, but not marriage.
Demands of Men
Protecting the rights of BOYS
1. Provide DNA testing of every child at birth before a man's name as the father goes onto the certificate of birth. Every child has a right to know his or her parentage. Every man has a right to know his child.
2. Stop the sexual torture and mutilation of baby boys, Male Genital Mutilation, (MGM). Currently over 1,000,000 baby boys are sexually tortured and maimed in the US each year. Boys deserve equal justice under the law. Men have an unalienable right to our whole body. We demand criminal prosecution of sexual child abusers who mutilate little children's sex organs.
3. Summarily dismiss justice system officials who refuse to prosecute child abusers based on the sex of the child being abused. Sexually torturing, maiming, or otherwise abusing a boy is equally bad as abusing a girl, and we demand equal protection for boys under the law. Discrimination against boys by public officials, ignoring the abuse of boys, or failure to prosecute criminal offenses against boys constitutes malfeasance of office and dereliction of duty. Abusing a boy does not excuse violence against a child.
4. End current systematic discrimination against boys in public school enrollment, discipline, and advancement.
5. Make schools safe for boy's natural rambunctiousness. Provide class and educational situations that allow movement, exercise, excitement and other natural boyish behavior. End discriminatory punishment of boys in schools for boyish behavior. End all discriminatory corporal punishment of boys.
6. Provide boys with active games and not passive TV watching, etc., in preschool, in public schools, and after school.
7. End the massive drugging of boys who won't sit still in long boring female structured classes. End the "Ritalin kid" drugging and destruction of a currently estimated 35% of normal boys. Being an active boy does not make a child psychotic, disturbed or "hyperactive."
8. Provide equal number of men teachers in schools for role models and men's guidance. Restructure educational recruiting practices and prejudicial accusations of men who teach to encourage more men to be teachers of our children.
9. Establish apprenticeship and mentor programs for young men for whom trades are more appropriate than college. The current college preparation school curriculum is not appropriate for many boys, and amounts to a prison for many young men.
10. Make public education through the 12th grade available to all who want to be educated regardless of their age. School dropouts who come back and 10th graders who only read at 6th grade level deserve to be enrolled in 6th grade level reading classes regardless of their age or social status.
11. The basic human rights of children include their right of access to both of their parents. All divorce decrees must consider the child's rights as a primary concern. The child's interest can not be heard in "family" court or any other court when the child is not represented by adequate legal counsel. A court decision for custody by either parent violates the child's inalienable human right to the other parent.
12. Recognize and enforce a child's fundamental human right to his or her father. The father is the most beneficial parent in a child's life after age 7. Depriving any child of his father is hurtful to the child. Deliberately depriving a child of his father needs to be legally recognized and prosecuted as criminal child abuse.
Protecting the rights of FATHERS
13. Support and recognize marriage as the age-old union of a man with one (or more in some cultures) women for the creation of children and family. The society has a legitimate purpose in supporting the production and education of the next generation, and marriage of a woman to a man is the way that society encourages and supports children families.
14. Recognize the husband and father's traditional role as head of the household. End all forms of government interference, criticism, review, and police or judicial oversight of a husband's decisions regarding his wife, children and household.
15. End prosecution of fathers for kidnapping of minor children. Fathers have a fundamental human right to their child. It is not possible to kidnap one's own child. Pardon and release all men previously convicted of this faux crime.
16. End government interference with fathers who live other countries and stop government support of the international smuggling of children to take them away from their fathers. Fathers have a fundamental right to live in their own country and to raise their children according to the customs and religion of their homeland.
17. Recognize that a man's responsibility to his child is to support a child by providing food at his dinner table, a place to sleep in his home, clothing, education, and generally for the child's needs. Fathers take responsibility for the child. No man ought to be required by divorce or custody law to do more than to support his child.
18. End the social slavery of men masquerading as the failed feminist social experiment called "absentee child support." It is a form of slavery of men not related to supporting children. Sending money to pay a woman for breaking up a family is not supporting a child.
19. End debtor's prisons and other punitive measures against men for not supporting women.
20. Recognize women's full co-equal right and responsibility for the support of themselves and their children. If a child is not being supported the mother is fully as responsible as the man.
21. Adopt laws that recognize and protect men's equal rights to family planning and all other decisions affecting our future children, including decisions about abortion, abandonment and adoption of our children.
22. Provide constructive and effective Rites of Passage for men. Honor and bless young men coming into manhood. Acknowledge and appreciate older men as they become elders, sages, mentors or wise men.
23. Fully and equally fund research into birth control pills and other options for men. Recognize the co-equal needs of men for family planning options. End the almost total discrimination against men in research and development of family planning options that has persisted over the past century.
Protecting the rights of MEN in health care.
24. Develop and provide health care for men in a manner appropriate for men. The current medical process, waiting rooms, subjugation, etc., has been shown to be psychologically appropriate for women but unsuitable and inappropriate for men. Lack of appropriate medical process and treatment significantly contributes to the shorter lives of men. Men now receive only about 25% of health care in the United States.
25. Ensure that mental health services appropriate for men are widely available. Men now receive only about 5% of all mental health service, none of which is designed for men. The lack of availability of appropriate mental health service greatly contributes to the staggering loss of men's lives by suicide.
26. Eliminate discrimination by government, courts, and other agencies against men who receive emotional or mental health treatment.
27. Address the huge loss of life of young men by suicide by providing appropriate psychological research, counseling, self esteem enhancement, improvement of life options, and other programs.
Protect the rights of HUSBANDS and families.
28. Where domestic violence (DV) shelters remain, provide equally funded domestic violence (DV) shelters and services for battered men, and ensure that men are no more likely to be accused and arrested for DV than women.
29. Provide shelters and programs to protect abused boys funded and staffed proportionally to the significantly greater number of boys currently subjected to abuse in the female headed single parent households.
30. End sexist propaganda about DV. All DV awareness programs must show as many men victims as female victims, and as many female batterers as men batterers. End police or court interference with a husband's legitimate control of his family and household.
31. End the "child protection" services that assume men to be villains if anyone suspects child abuse. A home with a father is statistically the safest place for a child. End government oversight of a father's legitimate administration of his family.
32. Stop the actions of so called Child Protective Services when they attack fathers and separate families without compelling interest such as criminal conviction for child abuse. End punitive administrative decisions against men for administering discipline to unruly children. A father's guidance is almost always better for the children than the badly misandrist decisions now being rendered by badly misandrist CPS officials.
33. End the many financial incentives that reward woman for breaking up families and divorcing husbands. End unearned claims on the husband's property. Stop alimony, child support, and other forms of indentured servitude of men. Stop government programs that benefit and pay divorced women with children. Make all government programs for children equally available to fathers with children. End tax penalties for marriage and government payments for divorce.
34. Stop emotionally rewarding women who destroy families. Establish that a wife who leaves her husband has no right to break up the family and take the children from their home. Require that the parent who leaves a family or breaks it up by filing for divorce must be legally presumed to leave behind the family home and the children.
35. Recognize that when an adulterous wife bears the bastard child of another man she has broken her former marriage and formed another marriage. When a husband finds out through DNA testing or otherwise that his wife's child is not his, he may declare the marriage ended by the wife's adultery. In this event he should retain full custody of his children and ownership of all of the community property including rings, jewelry, or other gifts that she was given as his wife. An adulteress with a bastard child should be able to take only her clothing, toiletries, and her bastard(s).
36. Fully investigate wives and mothers whose husband or child dies of unknown causes such as heart failure, chronic illness, SIDS, or other symptoms which could mask poison or suffocation. Routinely require autopsies that screen for common and uncommon poisons or drug overdoses. Dead men and boys deserve equal protection under the law.
Protect rights of MEN in normal men's sexual behavior.
37. End the criminalization of normal men's sexual behavior. Repeal all laws making men's sexuality, exposure, penetration, etc., into a criminal act unless there is demonstrable physical harm to a victim. Release and pardon all men who have been arrested for "statutory rape," "date rape," "spousal rape," "pornography," "soliciting a prostitute," and other weasel worded versions thereof. A woman's hurt feelings do not turn a man into a criminal.
38. Repeal laws prohibiting men from obtaining commercial sexual services from women who choose of their own free will to work in the sex industry. Such prohibitive laws serve to sexually control men by limiting men's access to sex and preventing open competition with wives' monopoly. Promulgate OSHA guidelines for the health and safety of sex workers.
Protect the Rights of MEN in the government.
39. Pass an Equal Rights Amendment that guarantees equal rights for men in all government laws and programs.
40. Require all government agencies, which now have special departments for women to also have a similar and equally funded department for men.
41. Repeal laws prohibiting men from obtaining recreational drugs and other "controlled substances." These laws create crime for the purpose of fighting it. They make millions of men into criminals and breed widespread disrespect for law and order. The prohibition of drugs supports and makes possible massive crime statistics and is responsible for fully half of all crime in the US. Pardon and release all men currently imprisoned for "drug related" crimes.
Protect the rights of MEN to equal educational opportunity.
42. Eliminate systematic anti-men sexist and anti-white racist bias in college admissions criteria that is now widely prevalent in many state and private colleges and universities.
43. Equally enforce Title IX of the Civil Rights Act wherever men are discriminated against in education. End the half-century of flagrant discrimination against men by the Department of Education.
44. Restore men's colleges and schools that have been systematically eliminated in the name of "equality" while women's colleges and schools are still supported by tax paid budgets, programs, grants or scholarships.
45. Require all tax supported schools, colleges and universities that have departments called "women's studies," "gender studies" or similar euphemisms to also equally fund, staff, and support departments of "Men's Studies." Limit "women studies" and "gender studies" classes to no more than the number of classes and sections offered on "men's studies". Limit "black studies" or "hispanic studies," classes to no more than the number of classes and sections offered on "white studies."
46. Require that English, Philosophy, and other college departments which research, publish or teach "Feminist Theory" or "Gender Theory" also equally fund, research, teach, and publish "Masculinist Theory." Eliminate public funding for academic participation in the Modern Language Association or the College Composition and Communications Conference unless masculinist theories and research is equally supported in seminars and papers presented or published.
47. Require tax-funded libraries, schools, colleges and universities to purchase a number of books on men and men's issues equal to those they purchase on women and women's issues, and to maintain in their collection equal numbers of books on men and men's issues.
48. Eliminate speech codes and "harassment" codes currently used to oppress, subjugate, and silence men, students and professors, on college campuses. Ensure that the First Amendment rights to freedom of speech are not abridged.
49. Eliminate discriminatory college and university programs such as "multicultural centers," "women's centers" and others that do not include men, white men, or straight men as equal recipients of government funded programs.
50. Eliminate ongoing "orientation" programs aimed at forcing college students and employees to adopt racist and sexist beliefs and thoughts prejudicial to men and particularly white men under the guise of "diversity."
51. Ensure that men and particularly white men receive an equal share of scholarships, grants, student loans, and other financial aid that is now disproportionately available and provided on a racist and sexist basis.
Protect the rights of MEN at work.
52. End a half-century of flagrant discrimination against men by the DOL-EEOC and require this agency to show that they support the rights of men, including white men, at work with equal funding and effort.
53. End anti-men discrimination and anti-white men discrimination under so called "Affirmative Action" laws.
54. End the hostile work environments for men created by so-called "sexual harassment" laws. Acknowledge the fundamental rights of free speech and social contacts among adults in work as well as other social situations.
55. Initiate large efforts to reduce the disproportionate number of men killed at work, which now are over 90% of all work-related deaths. Ensure that women also work at the "at-risk" jobs by requiring employers to reassign or rotate workers between safe and more hazardous, harder, or more dirty jobs. Any company or govt. agency reporting to OSHA with a majority of one sex working at normally more risky occupations or reporting occupational injuries mostly to men should pay very large fines to its men workers for sexual discrimination against men.
Protect the rights of MEN in the media.
56. Balance women and men as murder victims, body count, and villains in movies and TV. Current badly disproportional display of men in negative media roles teaches prejudice against men.
57. Balance reporting of crime to eliminate the current over reporting of crimes committed by men and under reporting of crimes committed by women.
58. Allow discrimination lawsuits and punitive settlements for biased media coverage. Numerical unbalance by the media is de facto evidence of discrimination sufficient to prove discrimination and justify punitive class action damage awards.
Protect the rights of MEN to fair and equal justice under the law.
59. Restore equal justice. The current 25-1 discrepancy in prison population is due almost entirely to unfair laws and prosecution that criminalize men and allow women to be free. The real crime of most men in prison is merely being men. Justice tried before a biased court system is not justice at all. No man can get a fair trial in today's biased system. End prosecution of any man for any crime until fair and impartial justice is restored. It is not a crime to be born a man.
60. Reform the police and injustice system to end discrimination against men in police interrogation, citation, arrests, prosecution, plea bargaining, conviction, sentencing, prison time, prison conditions and parole. No man receives a fair trial under today's badly misandrist system. Stop all arrest and prosecution of men under a badly unfair and prejudice system. Pardon and release all men who have been convicted or imprisoned by the sexually biased injustice system.
61. End prosecution entirely for those crimes that are enforced primarily against men, and repeal unfair laws that apply or are applied to men only or primarily.
62. Equally prosecute and sentence both the women and the men where a woman and man perpetrated the crime as partners. End systematic plea bargaining and witness exclusion now used to exempt women who are partners in crime.
63. End special sexist legal defenses that now apply to women but not to men. Examples include the fictitious "battered wife" defense that excuses the murder of men.
64. End so called "rape shield" laws that take away the fundamental and constitutional right of American citizens to confront and question witnesses against them in a court of law.
65. End the so-called "sexual offender" reporting lists, which serve primarily as hate propaganda against men. They constitute cruel and unusual punishment and have no demonstrated value in deterring any future crime. Sex crimes have lower recidivism rates than other crimes. These lists and the life long publication of the names of men are unmitigated misandry.
66. End over prosecution and over punishment of men for minor offenses. Hate motivated accusations of crime made against men with no or minimal showing of physical injury to personas or property shall be no more than misdemeanors. A woman's hurt feelings do not justify the prosecution of a man for a major crime.
67. End current oppression of men by taking away a man's rights as a citizen when a woman maliciously accuses him of DV, child abuse or for other sham charges. Restore the civil rights of men previously accused or convicted in biased courts and of misandrist crimes such as those listed herein. A woman's misandry does not repeal a man's civil and constitutional rights.
68. Recognize that falsely accusing a man of crime is as much of an offense as the crime for which the man is falsely accused. Sentence anyone making a false accusation against a man in a court of law, and who fails to prove their accusation, to the penalty that the accused would have received had he been found guilty of the accusation. Include accusing witnesses and state paid attorneys. A verdict of "not guilty" for the accused is a final "guilty" verdict of "false accusation" for the accuser.
69. End prosecution of men for police accusations of minor infractions of law unless the accuser shows injury or endangerment to a particular person. For example, minor speeding on a vacant highway that endangers nobody is not a crime and should not be prosecuted. If there is no injury there is no crime, and no man ought to be punished. A man talking in the woods with no woman around is not wrong.
70. End the long-standing police practice of letting women go with a warning or ignoring their violations or crimes entirely while arresting or citing men for the same violations. Driving, walking, or living while a man is not a crime.
71. Require periodic published reports giving statistics of actions taken against men compared with police, or criminal prosecutor or court actions taken against women. Dismiss police reports, interrogation, citations and arrests of men in excess of those for women during any reporting period.
72. Summarily dismiss Police Chiefs, Police Commissioners, Judges, Prosecuting Attorneys and other elected and appointed government officials for malfeasance of duty if annual report statistics show a gender unbalance of arrests and/or prosecutions greater than 10%.
Protecting the rights of MEN in life
73. Respect men's privacy and feelings in dressing rooms, locker rooms, and toilet areas where such are provided to women in similar circumstances. Women's choice of restrictive or inconvenient clothing is not an excuse to minimize men's facilities or to allow women to violate men's privacy.
74. Provide adequate plumbing facilities for men in homes. Revise architectural standards and building codes to include men's plumbing needs. Today's standard residential bathtubs, for example, are not large enough to be used by most men. No urinal for men is currently provided in most homes.
75. End laws criminalizing men for public urination on rural roadsides and other suitable places. Normal men's body functions are neither obscene nor offensive.
76. End unequal laws currently allowing female reporters in men's sports team locker rooms but not men reporters in women's sports team locker rooms.
77. End unequal laws, codes and architectural standards requiring more plentiful and better-furnished toilet rooms for women than men in public buildings. Provide public facilities for men equal to those provided for women.
78. Initiate programs and research to improve men's health care, lower stress, reduce hazards, end violence, and all other ways that men are culturally mistreated until men regain equal longevity. The current imbalance in life expectancy of men is a direct reflection of the sum of all the ways that the culture discriminates against men.
79. Lower men's currently disproportional share of Social Security taxes to be proportional with the expected benefits that men receive. Men now pay 80% of social security taxes and receive 20% of benefits.
80. Lower men's currently disproportional share of life insurance, health insurance, retirement insurance, and car insurance charges. Insurance rates must be equalized to reflect fairly on the risks involved for each gender. Men now pay higher premiums for many kinds of insurance disproportionately to the insurance risks and costs involved.
81. Require equal obligation for military service. Women must be equally subject to the draft and military service, including combat, short dehumanizing haircuts, etc. The UCMJ and other regulations must be revised to eliminate rules that unfairly punish men for normal sexuality among men and female soldiers and sailors. Rules must be enacted and revised to eliminate current women's special rights to avoid combat or service by getting pregnant when military medical treatment can prevent pregnancy. Women's combat units can be created with equipment and tactics designed for women's size and strength to prevent women from becoming dependent within men's units.
82. Encourage work or employment situations that rejoin men with our families. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution men have been taken from our homes, farms and shops to work in factories apart from our families. This is an unnatural state that is inherently harmful to most men who lose contact with our children, and harmful to our children who are deprived of the company, guidance and love of their father. We demand that the society recognize and mitigate the grievous harm that industrialization has done to men and children.
83. End sexist law that currently prohibits men-only gyms, stores, clubs, etc., but permits women-only places of those kinds. Men must be permitted free association with other men in clubs, lodges, teams, and all social and fraternal venues. We demand freedoms for men to choose our friends and associates.
Could a Guy Possibly Get Away with these Song Lyrics?
A guy finds out his girlfriend is cheating on him. He imagines her cheating with another guy. He finds her car and keys it. He has carved his name into her leather seats. With a bat, he violently knocks out the headlights, and then he slashes her tires.
Imagine all this to upbeat country lyrics. Without a doubt NOW, the Elizabeth Freeman Center, and virtually every women’s group would be going ballistic. Take back the night, they would cry. It would be on the news about the glorification of violence against women. Talking heads would shake their heads in disbelief, with a stiff upper lip.
But when a woman is the perpetrator of the violence, well, it’s a cute little country song. Currently Carrie Underwood has a country hit with such violent lyrics. And it’s treated as a cute country song. The song became a #1 country hit in 2006 and still gets wide play on many country stations
Common stereotypes about child abuse
Myth: the most common form of abuse suffered by children at home is sexual abuse.
Fact: children are seven times more likely to be beaten badly by their parents than sexually abused by them.
Myth: most sexual abuse occurs between fathers and their daughters.
Fact: this type of incestuous relationship is rare, occurring in less than four in a thousand children. The most likely relative to abuse within the family is a brother or stepbrother.
Myth: adults are responsible for most sexual violence against children and young people outside the family.
Fact: children are most likely to be forced into unwanted sexual activity by other young people, most usually from someone described as a ‘boyfriend’.(!!!) Less than three in a thousand of the young people reported sexual behaviour against their wishes with professionals working with children.
Myth: sexual attacks on children from strangers are common.
Fact: sexual assaults involving contact by strangers are very rare. Even with indecent exposure, only seven per cent of the young people reported ever having been ‘flashed at’, and just over a third of these said the person was a stranger.
Myth: most physical abuse is carried out by men, especially fathers.
Fact: violent acts towards children are more likely to be meted out by mothers than fathers (49% of the sample experienced this from mothers and 40% from fathers).
22,000 Babies a Year Abandoned in Hospitals
Has anybody ever heard of this? I was reading about foster care and orphanages in an article called “The Road Home” in a 2001 edition of The Women’s Quarterly when I noticed a statistic I’d never seen before. According to UC Irvine economics professor Richard McKenzie, “Upwards of 22,000 babies are abandoned annually in the hospitals in which they were born.”
I’ve no idea if this statistic is true or not, but the source seems credible. I’ve noted before that 1.5 million American women legally walk away from motherhood every year through adoption or abortion, and that in over 40 states mothers can completely opt out of motherhood by returning unwanted babies to the hospital shortly after birth. I don’t condone unwed fathers who won’t support their babies, but it’s always seemed curious to me that we label unwed fathers who are reluctant to pay child support “deadbeats,” yet do not apply the label to women who similarly reject parenthood by returning their unwanted babies to the hospital or giving them up for adoption.
The apparent fact that 22,000 mothers each year slip out of hospitals and leave their babies behind creates some interesting questions. Since the women were in the hospitals giving birth, it is very likely that the hospitals have the women’s full names, personal information, addresses, etc. If an unwed father abandons his child and the child is put in foster care, the state bills him for child support to recoup the cost of foster care. When a father abandons his child and the mother goes on welfare, the state bills the father for child support to recoup its welfare costs.
In these situations the mothers have dumped 18 years of foster care costs onto the state. Does the state go after them for 18 years of child support to recoup its costs? Are they hunted down and jailed the way ”deadbeat dads” are? Or, since they’re women, does the state let them go and look the other way? I don’t know the answer, but I suspect the latter. If anyone knows more about this specific subject, feel free to let me know.
On the general issue of branding men who don’t want to be fathers “deadbeats” while giving women who reject motherhood a pass, see my co-authored column Respect a Man’s Choice, Too (AlterNet, 8/1/06).
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Corrupt History of Feminism
"The ideologies of Socialism, National Socialism and Marxism are quite bigoted, hypocritical, illogical and evil in nature, however the concepts have been supported and implemented across the continents of Europe, Asia, Australia and North America."
"The socialists believed that it was acceptable for the state to collect the money that was earned by the working class people, and then redistribute it to the demographics that supported their agenda.
- The majority of persons who supported and still support the ideology of *Socialism* happen to be female, as they like the idea of the state collecting the money that is earned by the men, and then redistributing it to the women.
- National Socialism in Germany was supported in a keen manner by the female populace."
See original article
Roe v. Wade for Men Goes Down
The court upheld a lower court ruling in the lawsuit filed by a men's rights group on behalf of Matthew Dubay, who alleged the Michigan Paternity Act violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Dubay, who has a daughter with a former girlfriend, argued that enforcement of the Michigan law denied him equal protection in two ways. First, he argued that Michigan statutes denied him equal protection of the law by giving mothers "a right to disclaim parenthood after engaging in consensual sex (i.e., through abortion) while denying that right to fathers," the nine-page opinion said.
He also contended Michigan law denied men equal protection by making it easier for a woman to place a child up for adoption or leave the newborn at a hospital or other social service agency.
"An examination of these claims under our equal protection jurisprudence, however, reveals that they lack merit," the court said. "Dubay cannot prevail under any of these equal protection theories."